Its Going To Be Okay

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Jaymi's POV

"Yep, yep.. No, yeah I understand. Yes warren... I'll be right out"

"Guys I gotta go, some fans are causing grief" I sigh to my other band mates, all on their phones as usual.

"How" JJ asks, looking up from his phone for a maximum of 3 seconds. WOW new record!

"A group of em' bulling" I start causing George to tense up, Immediately making me regret my choice of words. "another apparently, Nearly broke eh' phone chucking it across the pavement"

"Our Jcats aren't bullies! She probably did something in the first place" Josh says giving me attitude, Such a big man he is.

"JJ?" I ask, needing back up on this one.

"Erm yeah go bring her back here" He mumbled back to me, not really paying attention. Dickhead.

"George? ...

Helloooo? ...

Earth to George!!" I shout snapping my fingers in his face causing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"I'm coming with you.." He mumbled barely hearable.

"She's over on that bench" Warren shouts to me barely hearable above all the screaming girls, pointing to a little girl with bright blue hair. My first thoughts was she was skinny, Very skinny. She was sitting so close but seems so far away, She just seemed blank. I just watched her for a few seconds, she seemed unacknowledged of all the sudden screaming of mine and George's name. Her face was covered in her hands, I could just make out her lips moving, she seemed to be talking to herself, I squinted and focused what she was saying. "Stay strong" I think it was.

I fixed my fairly new hat which was given to me by a fan. t was my favvvvve! I quickly grabbed George's hand, ignoring all the desperate screams of the girls and pulled him over to the girl, stopping a few steps away. Now we were closer I could hear exactly what she was saying..

"the boys who saved your life. Esme you can do this. Please Esme stay strong"

They was she was begging herself not to break down just broke my heart. I forced back my tears and walked behind the bench she was currently sitting on.

"Hard isn't it" I say quietly as to not scare her. I saw her look up and me, she stared into my eyes for about three seconds before looking back down and sighing. I had to use all the Will power I had to not cry right there right then. She had such beautiful eyes, but they were so empty, I immediately felt so protective over her.

"Can... Can I sit down?" I ask her cautiously. I can tell already tell she's been through so much in her lifetime, I don't want to terrify her.

She just shrugged, so I turned back to George and motioned for him to hang back a little bit. I sit down on the bench next to her, not close but she still edged away slightly.

"I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart"

"That's what they all say" She whispered so quietly for a moment I thought I'd imagined it.

"Listen to me" I say with the same quietness as she'd used. I place my hand on her chin, causing her to flinch at my touch, I think about removing it but she soon relaxed at my touch. I carefully lifted her head up so I could look into her eyes.

She avoided eye contact with me for a few seconds then just starred directly into my eyes. As soon as I saw I had eye contact with her I began speaking.

"Everything's going to be alright, I'm not going to hurt you...we aren't going to hurt you" I say motioning to George, I see her eyes flicker towards him then go strait back down to her lap. I let go of her chin and see her body posture immediately sink. It's like she was trying to make herself as small as possible, trying to make herself not exist anymore. Before I know it George was crouched down on the floor in front of her.

George's POV

"Sweetheart.." I mumble taking her hands, she linked eye contact with me immediately, her eyes filled with fear and hurt.

"I know what it feels like, I know all the pain and hurt you're feeling. I know what's it like to wish everyday that you didn't have to wake up anymore. That you could just disappear" I start, my voice rising with every word. "I know what it's like to fight the demons, not just the ones out there. But the ones up here In your head. The ones that scream at you to just end it. The ones that fight you, whenever you even feel the slightest bit of happiness they'll come back and eat you up until you can feel nothing but numbness inside. I know what it's like to have to act like you're okay every single day when all you want to do I lay down and do nothing but cry. All you want is a release from everything. You didn't ask to be born, but now you gotta pay" Tears were threatening to spill from both of our eyes so I decide to stop. "But It's going to be okay... We're here you, beautiful" I stand up and walk straight back inside, ignoring Jaymi's yells and screaming fangirls, everything was just silent inside. Saying all that was just bringing everything back, ugh. I really can't do this anymore.

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