chapter eight; we need to talk about michael (and the story of narcissus).

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author's note; this is kind of unrelated to the fic but i reccently uploaded a michael langdon video to youtube, which i have linked if anyone is interested in watching it :)


"There is no greater sorrow

Than to be mindful of the happy time

In misery."

-Inferno, Dante Alighieri.


One minute they had been lying together blissfully in the green grass, two young bodies rutting against one another in the soft mid-day sun; the next, Michael was dragged backwards with magical force, his back colliding with a nearby tree, the force of the push knocking the wind out of him.

"You don't ever touch her again." Cordelia seethed, her eyes glared daggers at the crumpled mess of a boy that now lay on the meadow floor.

Michael stared up at her defiantly with a face like thunder, his eyes giving true meaning to the phrase 'if looks could kill'. Her attention then turned to her daughter, and Primrose gulped at the rare sight of an infuriated Cordelia. Before Primrose could protest, the formidable form of her mother had grabbed her by the arm and transmutated them both back to the house.


"What in the hell were you thinking?" Primrose stared at her feet, equal parts embarrassed and ashamed of what her mother had caught her doing.

"Mom, it's not that bad. We were only kissing." She mumbled.

"It looked like a bit more severe than that." Cordelia said, gravely.

Primrose rolled her eyes. "Even if it was more than kissing, it's still not the worst thing that could happen."

"At this point, the enemy seducing and sleeping with my daughter is the worst thing that could happen."

Primrose scoffed. "The enemy? Since when is our new supreme the enemy?"

"He is not our new supreme." Cordelia spoke, ominously.

Prim sighed, deeply. "Mother, I know that this is a difficult time for you. And I understand that, and I want to be there for you, to help you. But there's really no need to take it out on Michael!"

"Primrose, he is the antichrist!" Cordelia exclaimed.

"Oh mother, you do exaggerate!" Primrose ran her hand through her hair with agitation; her mother had clearly lost the plot.

"He is a being of pure evil!"

"He is not, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about."

"And you do?" Cordelia scoffed.

"Yes I do!" she said, passionately. "I do know his heart, because he has given it to me! I know that he loves me!"

"You're a child." She spat. "You don't know anything about love."

"How is it my fault if I don't know things when you never let me learn!"

Cordelia wearily raised squeezed the bridge of her nose, her eyes screwed shut with barely restrained annoyance. "Stop this now."

"I will not! You can't control my entire life! You can't hide me from everything!"

"I said enough."

"You think I would make your mistakes?"

"Primrose, I am warning you!"

"Just because your relationships failed doesn't mean mine will!"

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