Ch. 15 - Secrets

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With that knowledge Todoroki didn't want to remember that past that he immediately left the two going back to his class.

Endeavor watches him leave to only remember....


"I-I hate it Touya..." A very young vulnerable Todoroki with a bandage over his eye cries to his older brother that was very blurry in this thought.

The older brother takes Todoroki's hand showing his own flame with the simply words.

"It won't hurt you"

Then when he made Todoroki do it for himself. It wasn't hurting and they both shared a smile.

"It won't ever hurt you Shoto....never"


Endeavor sighs before chasing after Todoroki to make sure he's okay but before he could confront him. He sees Midoriya holding his son dear to him not budging only comforting his partner. Midoriya didn't know what was wrong as he looks over Todoroki's shoulder seeing Endeavor. The two stared at each other for a bit until Midoriya dug his face in Todoroki's shoulder still holding him.

"All Might's boy..." Endeavor whispers to himself but Rei heard him loud and clear in her head as she sees the two embracing each other. She gives a warm smile toward their direction.

"They are perfect"

"Even if-"

"Shut up Endeavor. I don't care what your opinion is" She says straight up before going over to the two. "Shoto, I'm going to make my leave"

"Ah..mother th-"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, a friend of Shoto's"

"Oh hun. I know you're his boyfriend" Rei smiles patting his cheek before heading off. "I was the first to know"

Midoriya blushes deeply watching her leave as he turns back to Todoroki seeing him smile feeling a bit better making him smile.

"So, your mother already knows me huh?"

"Of course. Who else other than our friends would I talk about my boyfriend to?" He smiles warmly taking Midoriya's hand before walking back to the locker rooms.

Endeavor watches suddenly being pulled by Toshinori as the two always give a lovely death stare to each other.

"Staring at the boys huh?" Toshinori laughs smiling.

"They are dating, and my wife known that for some time"

"Oh Enji. You don't understand. You may have accepted Shoto for being gay and apologized for all the things in the past. But that doesn't mean he can trust you right off the bat with most things"

"You hang around these kids too much"

"Too much? I make an effort to gain the trust of them all. So sure. Too much—-" He rolls his eyes walking away from his old classmate as Endeavor watches Toshinori leave before leaving himself.

After a while everyone were at the dorms as Todoroki sat in his room looking through the different articles confirming Touya to Dabi. He was stressing himself over this and knew that the person who just opened the door was Midoriya coming with their dinner. He sets the food down on Todoroki's desk before looking over his shoulder to the laptop seeing the articles. He reaches and closes the laptop before taking it walking out.


"No" He says calmly going to his room seeing Todoroki starting to run making him instantly run to the elevator quickly.

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