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"I learned to live half alive

and now you want me one more time

Who do you think you are ?

running round leaving scars

collecting your jar of hearts

tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold

from the ice inside your soul." Christina Perri

Frankie POV

I know I fucked up bad by fucking Keri's twin, but its not like I came on to her ! Keri isn't even looking at the situation in my shoes, so fucking stubborn.Acting like cant nobody get seduced and shit. It's been three days since our argument and I been all depressed, in my feelings.

Its so tragic, all my homeboys saying imma pussy or whatever.Fuck them cause Keri is my baby.I been trying to text her and call her, she wont even answer.The struggle.But let me find our that she fucking that nigga she living with?Nigga gone be done,real shit.

Keri POV

Since the argument between me and Frankie I haven't done shit, literally.I just lay in my bed all day long listening to sad songs.I haven't really ate or got on instagram.I talked to Jayda yesterday on facetime. I vented to her and it made me feel better, but not that much.

So I'm just laying in my bed listening to Love Story by Taylor Swift, yes I'm on my white girl shit.As I was vibing and crying Cameron came in my room and just stood at the door.

I leaned up," Yes?"

He reached down in his pockets and pulled out a bag of weed. "Wanna get lost?"

Cameron POV

I inhaled the smoke then closed my eyes and nodded to the beat.

" ride


ride the wave

I make music

to numb your brain"

Right now I was sitting in the back of my pick up truck with Keri smoking away all the bullshit. I could tell that something happened between Keri and her bullshit ass boyfriend.

Jayda told me everything that happened. Frankie is dirty as fuck for that shit.Fucking nasty.I looked at over at Keri, admiring her beauty.She had curly hair all over her head with a white crop top and jeans.She had on no bra but I still couldn't picture anything sexual cause I could tell from her bloodshot eyes she was going through some shit.

As the song continuously played I mouthed the lyrics.




"Cameron?" she whispered


"You hear what the song is saying?Numb?That explains me right now.Explains my heart.......When you actually love and care for someone.I mean like fucking care for them,jump off a cliff together type shit.When you care for them that deep, that person has a special place in your heart."

She took a long drag from the blunt as tears spilled from her eyes.

"Im not gone sound corny and say that I love him, cause I'm not sure if I do.... im only 16.But I know for a fact that what we had was something different.For him to fuck my twin, thats some low down dirty shit.But its not like you can just cross out the place in your heart. That shit still gone be there, still gone be thinking of them.I been sitting in my room trying to figure out the difference between being a rider or a dumbass.How would I look running back to him after all this shit?Would I be dumb or would I be that ride or die bitch that every nigga dreams about?Or would me coming back lead to him breaking my heart in pieces constantly because he'll know I'll take him back?Is there really a such thing as one more chances?"

I ain't never heard somebody say something that deep.Shiiiiiit.

"I mean,you cant always worry about what other bitches and niggas gone think you feel me?You do what you do and fuck what others gotta say.You want him back?Then go get him.Just know that I'm always gone be here for you Keri.I mean that shit.I know I'm high but I'm serious.Everybody needs a venting buddy."


Do you think Keri will take him back?

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