He Blasted Me With Defiance 1/2

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(Authors Note: to the ones who read this chapter when it first came out, the descriptions have changed and there are also new scenes.)

"Our world was once a safe and happy-oh shut up!"

The place Gia called home was nothing more than a glorified prison and the warden hardly ever was in the kindest of moods. The house was placed in the heart of the suburban metropolis just one of the equally eye-catching residences. From the outside it appeared that all was right in the world, there was never a storm cloud in sight, yet Gia felt like a caged bird once she opened the front door of her bedroom.

There were few pictures that lined the walls of the hall, mostly recent photos of her and her parents feigning happiness. There were hardly photos of Gia in her youth. It was those recollections that she wished to stay buried. In the pictures, Gia looked to be the happiest girl in the world but in truth, no one knew about how hard her parents would force her to skip meals and practice for hours. Her mother was a former pageant girl and a vicious competitor. She didn't just win but always went out of her way to establish dominance on the field. Her mother had a chance to compete in the Miss Universe Pageant, but an injury ruined her career. She thought her whole world had come to an end but that all changed when Gia was born.

Since she was two years old Gia was conscripted into the world of beauty pageants. Her father served as her manager and her mom was her coach. Neither one would let her sleep if she didn't walk away with the top prize.

What initially started as a means to unite their family quickly became the chain that Gia was forced to carry. Since she decided to put the pageant life behind two years ago, things at home haven't been copacetic. Her parents still carried a grudge about her decision. when her father spotted her. She descended into the kitchen to scrounge together a swift bite to eat. Seated at the table her father spooned portions of warm oatmeal into his mouth whilst he flipped through the daily paper.

A glare of tension locked on to Gia, she too returned the expression. This was their norm, very little words spoke mostly harsh stares and impulsive actions.

"If you want a ride to school I'm going to be leaving in 5 minutes," her father spoke.

"No thanks."

"You're gonna take the bus? Because if that's the case you're 15 minutes behind schedule before you would have been ready before 7."

"If school started at 7 I would have."

"But it starts at 8:30 and yet you haven't put your clothes on, it's 8:00 o'clock now."

"Dad, if you actually check the time instead of guessing, it's 7:45, and the school is only 10 minutes away. "

"And how long does it take you too even get out of bed, 30 minutes?"

"I don't take that long..." Gia spat, it was a bold faced lie. Back when she was a slave to his whims she was always present upwards of 15 minutes before the agreed-upon time. Her father dreaded any form of hesitation or delay. With the knowledge that Gia was now deliberately procrastinating pried open a deep wound. The face of her father contorted into a pit of fury but he hid it well.

"I am not overreacting, I just thought that you would want to show your teachers some respect. How does it look if you showed up late?"

Gia rolled her eyes, under normal circumstances she would have been halfway to the school by now. Her father continued to berate her about being late eventually Gia had enough and stepped out the door. Her father clamored after her.

"Where do you think you're going we aren't finished talking!"

"By the time you finish Dad, I will actually be late,"

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