The new student seems....

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Y/N pov~
I think the most anxious feeling... is when you look into the fridge, and there isn't any coffee jelly. The second most anxious feeling is speaking in front of people. God I hate doing that, especially in my private school. Where everyone looked at you as if you had two heads attached to your stomach.

"Ok class, please welcome the new student Y/LN"

Ooh... wait that's me, time to make my big entrance.

I walk into the class and put on a smile, you know like the one famous people use in public.

" H-hi! I'm Y/N, Y/LN! But you can just call me Y/N."

The class had their full attention on you and all you could hear was "oh wow!"

'She's very pretty!'
'She's almost as beautiful as my dear kogomi'
'No I think she's more beautiful than Teruhashi!'
'Is it possible that she's the Jet Black Wings princess? I will have to ask her about Dark Renunion later though'

Endless thoughts flooded my mind

But one caught my attention the most
'Good grief, another transfer student. She's attracting too much attention, I have to stay clear from her'

I looked at the direction that the voice came in, and a boy with pink hair and antennas stared back, emotionless.
I shivered and kept on talking.

"Do you want to say anything about yourself?" The teacher asked

This caught me off guard and I had to add a little lie in.

"Well I have a sweet tooth, i love animals and i love to play soccer." I responded

The teacher motioned me to sit next to saiki, I didn't know who he was until the teacher told him to raise his hand

It was the same boy with the pink hair and the antennas.

Only this time he looked paler and emotionless than before.

I took my seat and stared out the window while class continued.

~time skip to lunch~

The bell rung and immediately I packed up and ran out of the classroom.

I really didn't want to talk to people, or meet new people. So I went to the roof

I was sitting on the floor near the edge of the roof and took out my Bento box.
Eating my food with enormous pleasure, I was starving.

In the middle of devouring my meal, the door of the roof opened and Saiki, as if in a hurry, rushed out onto the roof, and shut the door behind him.

We made eye contact and stared at each other for a minute, his emotionless face and pale skin complimented his pink hair and green glasses.

~Saikis pov~
Y/N was on the roof when I barged in
unexpectedly, she didn't seem to flinch as if she knew that I was going to run up the roof. I of course had my Geranium ring on because a new movie I've been dying to see came out yesterday and I was planning on going later.

Y/N and I made eye contact and just stared at each other for a minute. She then continued to eat her bento, as if I never barged in through the door.

I didn't point this out earlier, but she's very pretty, maybe prettier than Teruhashi. Her H/L, H/C suited her small figure, and her E/C had a kind and sweet glint in it. Not to sound perverted or anything, but she had a rather curvy figure, with big clevage like Auira.

I looked at her as she nodded, motioning me to sit down next to her. Well not next to her, like a few inches away, in like a distance an aquaintance would be.

I pulled out my Bento box and also started eating. We ate in silence for a while, but eventually she asked,"is your natural hair color pink?"

By this time obviously I had slipped off my ring and placed it in my pocket, so that I could hear what was going on in her mind.

"He seems interesting, but how does he talk without his mouth? And why does he have Atennas on his head? He really stands out I saw him hanging out with a large group of friends, I should probably stay away from him I don't want any unwanted attention"

Indeed I was a little shocked at her thought, and confused as if she recognized the fact that I was quite abnormal.

Hmm, how come she notices theses things as abnormal? And that little "friend group" are just people that talk to me with almost no response back from me. How did she realize that I was talking without my mouth? I'll have to find out answers soon...

As if on cue, Y/N's head turned a little towards me and she looked a little bit shocked, but then regained her normal state.

Y/N pov~
Heh? How did he respond my questions with out me asking them? All I did was think.... oh, Oh, OH.

At that moment I put my mind reading barrier. Instantly he looked at me with his emotionless eyes, which soon clouded in confusion

Why can't I read her thoughts all of a sudden?

I mean of course he noticed.

He's a physcic after all.

~ Hey guys! First actually episode, I'm sorry for making you wait so long.
This is the background story of the oneshots so that they make sense. Basically, this is how they met and how they discovered their abilities, and how after a while, they start to grow feelings towards each other and...


The story is yet to unfold


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