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As usual, Jimin arrived at the art studio first and waited for Haneul outside. 

" where is this girl. haisss, she's always late " Jimin sighed while he browsed through his phone.

Moments later, Haneul arrived.

" heyyyy. why are you always late "

" i'm sorry, i'm a girl. it takes a long time to get ready you know "

" yea rightttt. ok now let's go in. i've been waiting for so long, my leg hurts "

" i'm sorry once again " Haneul keyed in the lockpad.

Jimin peeped in and saw the password.

" heyyyyyyy it's confidential you know "

" we are sharing this space so i should know right " 

Haneul nodded and proceeded in the studio. She began cleaning up her mess and tidying her storage boxes. Hours passed while they worked hard. A corner was left empty for Jimin's workspace.

His table, speakers, computer and belongings are placed neatly. His workspace is directly beside Haneul's workspace. His reason is that he doesn't want Haneul to be lonely while she's doing her work. pfffft. excuses.

" ok so what should we order? " Jimin asked while he browsed through delivery services on his phone.

" i want pizza and pasta "

" i want jjajangmyeon "

" we can have both cuisines " Jimin called up 2 restaurants and asked for delivery services.

Haneul plopped herself onto the beanbag and sighed. she stretched and curled up into a ball.

Jimin came right up to her and gave her a tight hug. Haneul was about to squirm out but Jimin captured her in his arms and he's never letting her go.

" yAaa don't you- " Haneul was interrupted by Jimin who placed his index finger on her lips. He then pat her head gently and gave her a peck on her forehead. Right at this moment, she was speechless.

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