•PART 3•

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Malhotra Mansion


Bela gets shocked to see someone at her door step😱😱😱...All the guests are discussing among themselves....

Bela "Ins....Inspector u here...Is everything alright?"

Inspector "No....Mrs Malhotra everything is not alright...."

Bela "Means I didn't get u" 😕

Naina (In her mind) "Something is fishy" 😒

She looks clearly on inspector's face & shocked to see Sameer in the getup....😱😱

He too looks in her direction & winks😉

She recalls something....

FB starts (few hours ago)

Naina's room

She is getting ready for the party when Sameer calls her....She picks his call....

Sameer "Ur looking gorgeous in this brown knee length off shoulder dress" 😘

Naina "But how come u know that I wore this dress?....Where are u?...Why I could not see u?" 😕

Sameer "Hmm....Its not ur matter to know where I am or how could I see u" 😏

Naina "Oh spider man...If u have a lot of gut then come in the party in front of family & then I shall see how much daring u have" 👿

Sameer "But what if I really come in front of ur family what will I get?" 😉

Naina "Then I shall too come to ur home from the main door...." 😉

Sameer "Accepted....I can bet even if I come in front of ur family they wouldn't be able to even identify me" 😏

Naina "We will see that" 😏

FB ends

Sameer "Yaa...Actually we got a news that here loud music is being played & also some illegal activities too happening....So came to check for myself..."

Bela "W-W-What?....Who gave u this news....I swear I won't leave that person....We are a respectable family...." 😢

Naina (In her mind): "I won't leave u" 😠

She controles herself somehow...

Raman "Yaa inspector I think someone has played a game with u...U can't allege or say bad about our family....U can leave now...Go..."


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