Chapter 1

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Adrian's POV~

I walk into the dinning hall, I sit in the corner of the room and pull out my note pad. I start to draw, people have told me I'm a very good artist, but I don't think that I do it for fun it's a stress reliever,

"Hey! why are you do weird there like tons of kids you could talk to but you chose to do that!" yells a girl named Lia. I roll my eyes and go back to drawing. Next thing I know she comes over and takes the book out of my hands.

"Ew! what the heck! why do you even try?!" she yells and now people are looking at us

"Give it back" I say

"Make me!" She says and I try to grab it but she runs , sigh and run after her. she runs into the court yard. I chase her and eventually I lose her in the over grown plants. I run back to the door and she come out of a bush but she doesn't have my book.

"Where is it?" I say

"Go find it you freak" she says and I roll my eyes and walk where she came from. I notice a path I follow the path and it leads to a fountain. Then, I see my book in the water....All those drawings I works so hard on there gone.

"NO!" I yell and pull it out of the water and look through it they're all ruined. I sink to my knees and tears come out. I set my book on the ground and stand up. I walk back into the building and down the hall and into my room. I sit on my bed and cry.

*Knock Knock*

I walk over and open my door. and there stands My foster mom

"Are you okay?" she asks

"No! that bitch lia! she ruined my book and I can't replace those, that was years of work thrown away! Honestly I would rather live on the street then in this hell hole!" I yell and she looks taken back

"Adrian, how about you come with me I will buys you a new book and you can watch those boys that seem to make you so happy on my phone when we get back" she says and I nod and slowly follow her. we walk out to her car and I get in and she gets in the drivers side and starts the car. she pulls out of the parking lot and we are off.

*After Drive*

We arrive at 'Luke's Art Store' (Not real) we walk in and I walk over to the note books, I pick out a black one with simple stripes going across it. I walk back to my foster mom and she smiles a me and give her a weak smile, she pays for it and we walk back to the car.

"Thank You" I say

"No problem sweetie" she says and we drive back to her house. That's why I like my foster mom, she doesn't always stay with me at the orphanage, sometimes she takes me to her house and I actually get to leave, while other kids have to stay.

*At The House*

We pull iin her drive way and I get out.

"Okay, I made some cookies earlier and I have my MacBook up in your room so I'll bring up some cookies and milk and you go watch those boys in know how much you love them" she says and I smile and run up to my room, yeah she gave me my own room in her house cause I spend a decent amount of time here. I walk into my room and see the MacBook on my bed I walk over and sit in the bed. I open the MacBook and go on to YouTube and type in Matt Espinosa, To me he was the funniest out of the the guys. Let me explain, There's 9 guys


Jack G

Jack J







They are so funny, and when ever I'm sad or having a bad day my foster mom will let me watch them cause they never fail to put a smile on my face. I click on his 'PO box' video and watch it, I laugh when he starts flipping out about the stuff he gets I just find it funny

"Hey, I got some cookies" says my foster mom

"Okay, thank you" I say and she smiles and sets them down and I keep watching but now I'm also stuffing my face with cookies.

"OMG! Candy!" Matt squeals and I laugh

*A little later*

I have now watched a least 7 of their videos and I'm actually really happy. I decided to maybe write them a letter.

I sit down at the small desk in my room.

Dear Magcon Family,

Hi, my name is Adrian, I'm 17 and I'm a orphan. I don't have the nicest life but there's a group of people that even when I'm having the worst days, they can make me smile. That's you guys. I don't really have any friends to everyone at the orphanage, I'm a outcast. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever get hate or something like that. I will always appreciate you guys, even when you're all grown up and don't have the time for social media. I will be thankful that you gave social media any of your time at all because you guys saved me...Even if you don't know who I am I know who you are, Your my Heros

From: Adrian'

I put it in a envelope and write the return address and stuff on it and I walk down stairs.

"Hey, can you mail this?" I ask

"Who is it to?" she asks

"Some people that are really special to me" I say and walk away. I walk back up to my room and grab my book, I walk back down and see my foster mom waiting

"You ready to go?" she asks

"Yeah" I say and she nods and we walk out and get In the car

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