Chapter 4

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Adrian's POV~

Jack stops at a little shop in town and opens my door for me

"Thank you good sir" I say and he smile

"You're welcome my lady" he says and bows and I giggle, he pulls me into a shop and there skate boards and wheels and trucks, All over the place...

"Okay, I need a new penny board and we are going to get you one too" he says and I nod he walks over to a board with a blue deck, White Trucks, and Orange wheels.

"What do you think?" he asks

"It's cool, but I think you should get this one" I say and point to one with A Black Deck, White Trucks, red wheels and bolts, And Red paneling.

"You're right that one is cool" he says and I smile and he gets it off the rack.

"And it's on sale" he says "high five" he says and I laugh and high five him. And he grabs my hand and we walk down the isle.

"What About that one?" I say

"Your girlfriend has good taste" says someone and we turn around

"Oh we're not dating" we both say and chuckle. And let go of each other's hands

"That ones a fast seller we just got that in, if you want it Id get it now" he says

"Do you want that one?" asks jack

"Yeah" I say and get it off the rack. (I'll post the board). We walk up to check out and pay for our boards.

"Okay, let's drive home and then I can teach you how to ride!" he says

"What makes you think I don't know how to ride?" I say

"W-well I uh, just assumed..." he stutters

"It's okay, I'm just messing with you, I don't know how to ride" I say and he smiles. We get in the car and drive home, jamming out to 1D the whole time...

*At Home*

I hop out and run over to the side walk, And jack walks over.

"You ready?" he asks and nod and smile. He takes my hand and sets my board on the ground. And helps me step on. He starts to pull me forward and then let's go and I ride.

"I'm doing it!!" I yell and he laughs

"Yeah you are!" he says and I laugh, I put my foot down and stop.

"Okay, now to get started and keep hoping just put your foot down and push" he says and I put my foot on the board and push off and ride to him and put my foot down to stop and he smiles.

"Now, we must name out boards" he says and I smile

"I'm going to name mine....Flame!" he says and I giggle

"It works, what should I name mine?" I ask and we both do thinking poses and laugh...

"How about...Starbusrt!" he says and I giggle

"I like starbusrt!!" Nash yelled as he ran out of the house. We both laughed

"What made you think of starburst?" jack asks

"My board has galaxy paneling, Galaxy's have starts and I like starbursts" I say and he nods

"Wait so there's no starburst?" Nash's asked

"No" I say and he moped back inside...

*A Little Later*

I was sitting in the kitchen with cam

"Do you have a phone?" he asks

"No" I say

"What about a MacBook?" he asks

"I used to use my foster moms but no" I say

"IPad?" he asks

"I don't have any of that stuff" I say and he sighs

"Soooorrrwwyyy" he says and I laugh.

"Wanna go shopping?" he asks

"Sure" I say and he smiles and we hop up and run to the car. We get in and he starts driving..

"Soo, What's your family like?" I ask

"Um, well. It's just me and my mom...My dad left when I was born" he says and my face drops

"I'm sorry" I say

"It's okay" he says

"Let's play 21 Questions!" I say and he nods

"What's your favorite color?" I ask

"Blue" He says

"What's your favorite band?" he asks

"Panic At The Disco" I say

"What's your favorite animal?" I ask

"Bunnies they are just so cuddly!" he says and I laugh...

*At The Mall*

We walk in and he pulls me into the apple store and Gets a MacBook and a gold iPhone 5s. I shake my head and he smiles and runs up to the cashier, he pays and walk over to me.

"Now you have a phone and a MacBook" he says

"Thank you cameron" I say and hug him, and he pulls away and grabs my hand and pulls me into various stores....

*After Shopping*

Me and Cam both bought a boat load of stuff and we are now on our way home. I'm setting up my phone, Cam already put his number in it and he's letting me use his phone to get the guys numbers. I finish that and Download Vine, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, and YouTube. I set up accounts and stuff. Then I text the guys and let them know it's me...

*At Home

We walk Into the house and I put my stuff in my room. I change into a comfy outfit.

Adrian's Outfit~(I'll post it)

•Grey sweat pants

•White tank top

•yellow sweat shirt

•Hair: Messy Bun

I walk down stairs and see the guys starring at me

"Can I help you?" I ask

"Yes" Carter mumbles and I smack the back of his head and they laugh

"Wanna watch some movies?" I ask

"Yea" half if them say

"Okay" I say and walk over to the movies "The Conjuring Or Anchorman 2?" I ask hoping they wouldn't pick the first one.

"THE CONJURING!!" they yell and I sigh. I put the movie in and sit down next to Jack G and Cam, Matt presses play and we watch the movie...

Some thing pops out and I squeal and Nash chuckles, and I throw popcorn at him and he screams and i laugh and so do the guys. The. There was a bang and I basically jump on Jack G, and he wraps a arm around me.

"It's okay, it's just a movie" he says

"Yea, it's motherfucking scary ass movie!" I say into his chest and he chuckles.

"She's so cute when she swears!" says Taylor and I lift my head and give him a death glare and he puts his hands up in defense.

"AHABBAH!I!" comes from the Tv and I jump

"That's it, I'm fucking out!" I yell and run away and and I can hear them laughing....

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