Peace before the storm

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Year 1993

A slow drizzle hit the roof of the General Hospital where Ms. JL always attended all her antenatal care clinics. This day was no different as she waited in line to see the gynaecologist, and her good friend Dr. Jim. The only difference was that it was night already, almost midnight infact, as she had a long shift at work and this was the only time she had to attend the clinic, and she was about to receive a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

As Ms. JL waited for her turn, she felt her water burst and to her surprise, a little head was popping out from her private area! "Dr. Jim? I think the baby is here!" She said with a gasp and surprise in her voice.
"What?! That's unusual!" The doctor responded as  he  called out to the midwives on call to help him take Ms. JL to the labour room.

"Ms. JL, do you feel any pain? How did you not feel the dilations and contractions? This is new to me! How can the water burst and baby be ready to come out at the same time?" The doctor went on and on in surprise and shock but no one next to him could answer his array of questions. They were all keen on helping Ms. JL deliver the baby safely.

"Just one strong push and this little one will be out!" the doctor said with excitement. The midwives had finished helping Ms. JL  to the labour bed and she was ready to give just one strong push to help her fifth bundle if joy come into the world she just couldn't wait to experience.

"Ready? And in three,  two, one, push!" The midwife instructed as Ms. JL breathed in a long breath to steady her. At the countdown of three, she gave one strong push and the little baby was out, taking in her first breath and without as much as a scream, was ready to start life in the world.

"It's a girl Ms. JL. Congratulations! She looks healthy, normal birth weight, and her chest is clear, her breath and heartbeat are normal. The midwives will help you get cleaned up and settled in with the baby, and you can sign the paperwork and go home in the morning." the doctor said as he left the labour room.

At exactly midnight, as the slow drizzle hit the hospital roof, Ms. JL had brought her fifth child into the world and she was very pleased with this child who had come without any labour pains or complications. She was a single mother of four and she did not need any more stress and pain that came with having a fifth child she had not planned to have.

Ms. JL smiled down at her new bundle of Joy wrapped up in a blanket next to her. "I will Name you Amaro Siem Peace.", she said to her baby and enjoyed the peace she felt in the moment, as she drifted off to sleep. Little did she know that the moment of peace she enjoyed was so precious and would be so scarce for a long time to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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