There are roles to play and prices to pay

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You are in the school with Yuri and both of you are looking for your classroom(s). Natsuki walked right in front of you to block the way. Natsuki said, "Yuri can come in. YOU stay with me Mr. Y/N." Yuri went in while Natsuki blocked the way from you and said, "Look you. We all have a role to play and if you don't PLAY your role you will PAY the price. You're a new sophomore in S/N high, and you have no friends. Let's keep it like that. Got it?" You nod. Monika opened the door and yelled, "Leave him alone Natsuki!" You are so glad Monika was here. Natsuki eyed you and said, "Listen to me playboy. There are roles to play and prices to pay."


     Natsuki: I hope you enjoy!

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