New Orleans.

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"Richard?" "Are you in here?" I felt a tap on my right shoulder,turning I saw my sister Annabel she rubbed my shoulder knowing how I was feeling. "Rich you've gotta let her go its been 6 years and the more you hold on the harder it will be." Annabel said softly. "Why should I let go if her body hasn't been found yet?" "She's alive and I know it I can feel it in here". I pointed to my heart that felt cold and broken without Lucy. "Annabel I've spoken to private detective Jonathon and I know he can help me." Annabel sighed and turned to walk away reaching the door she stopped and without turning said "promise me that if you can't find her this time you'll let her go"? I shook my head negatively whispering my answer. I saw my sister wipe a tear away as she walked off I never wanted to upsett her but I would never give up until Lucy was in my arms again.

I remembered that day like it was yesterday. The day I lost Lucy. #FLASHBACK# We were on our way to dinner at the Grove Inn it was a lovely summer's day and I couldn't be more happier. I had found a pregnancy test in the bin which had read positive. Although Lucy hadn't yet said anything I was hoping that at dinner she would. As we walked down the alley I heard a gun shot. Suddenly feeling the blood drip down my leg I shouted in pain I remembered a female whispering I'm my ear. "I'm sorry Rich". It scared me as only Lucy and Annabel called me that. I felt a prick in my neck and the next thing I remember was being tied up. As my eyes started to open I started to look around. We were in a basement of some sort. When it finally dawned on me that Lucy was with me to. "Lucy"! I shouted but to no avail. It was then I saw the most terrible thing. A handheld Lucy by her arms as a woman shot her in her knee and beat her mercilessly with a whip. "Lucy" I shouted. "Leave her she's done nothing wrong please" I begged. I felt helpless. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital when I woke up I asked every doctor where Lucy was but they all just gave me confused looks. It was when my sister came in and said " She's dead Rich she's gone". Then my whole world shook up.

Suddenly waking me up from my memories.

My phone rang private number it said I quickly picked it up knowing it would be Jonathon. "Hello" I said. "Hi Richard this is Detective Jonathon Parkings I've been looking into your case and I've found a loop hole." "A necklace she had with her name on it was found in New Orleans by a vicar in Debeny Church,if your free tomorrow I'd like to go and check it out." "Yes I'm free ill pop round tomorrow at dawn and we'll make our way"? I replied. "Yeah that's fine" he said before cutting off the phone.

The next day I drove to Jonathon's house when I arrived I saw him waiting he entered the car and our 13 hour drive was nothing but an eerie silence. When we arrived at Debeny Church we both got out and walked towards the big tall church gate knocking a few times the Vicar opened it and ushered us in.

He showed us the necklace as tears blurred my eyes I had no doubt that it was hers as the top of the C was gone and it had a scratch on the back. "Is it hers"? Jonathon asked me. I nodded quietly. We took the necklace and sat in the car.

"She's in New Orleans Richard". "She's here".

Sorry this update wasn't interesting I just had to have something to set up the story. So what do you think is Lucy alive?

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