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Chapter 18

- Ace King -

After knowing that Louis and Zoey were here, I made sure that Mia returned home safely. The fact that Louis knew where she lived made me feel anxious.

I wished I could stay with her, protecting her from any harm that might come her way, but I couldn't. Although Mia knew my reasons to stay with her, I knew that she'd feel a bit uncomfortable.

Once I left her house, I drove back home. I tried to call my mom, but she wouldn't answer. Hopefully, she was home. I needed to tell her about Louis. It wasn't because he was a threat to her, but his father was.

Fredric was just as cruel and inhuman as his pathetic excuse of a son. It was no wonder why they got along so well.

A part of me didn't want me to tell her the possibility of Fredric being back. She'd lock herself in the house again. But I knew I had to.

She needed to know, and it was better than having her be clueless.

After parking the car, I rushed to the front door and unlocked it. Mom's car was in the driveway, so I knew she was home. Unless she took a walk of course.

"Mom!" I called out, but I was greeted by silence.

Searching around the house, I checked the bathroom, her room, dad's office. Anywhere I think she could be. When I didn't find her, I took out my phone and dialled her number.

After calling the five times and hearing nothing but her voicemail, I assumed her phone was dead. Before I could go out to find her, the door swung open, and I was surprised to see the state my mom was on.

Now I gotta deal with a drunk mom.

"Ace! You're here!" She exclaimed happily. "How was your day?"

"It was alright," I answered. "What happened to you?"

"I just went out with a few friends. They dropped me off just now."

I just stared at mom as she waltzed into the kitchen. I've never seen mom drunk before. She wasn't lightweight, so this is a surprise. I sighed before following mom.

"Ace! Did you eat the last bit of apple pie I baked this morning! I swear if you did—"

"No mom, I didn't," I interrupted. She closed the fridge before narrowing her eyes at me.

"Come on mom, you have to get to bed."

"I'm not tired."

I groaned. "Mom."

"Now you know how I feel when you get all stubborn with me," she replied before turning around.

Following behind her to make sure she didn't mess anything up, mom walked into her room before she let herself fall into the bed.

"Ace, can you get my blue notebook, please? It's inside that drawer. Third one from the top."

Doing as she instructed, I walked towards her drawers and opened the third one, but I didn't see a blue notebook.

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