Frazel one shots

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Chapter 1

13 years into the future.

Hazel woke up in the middle of the night. the sky was dark. The room was dark. Being a demigod you almost never get a good nights sleep you always get nightmares. She looked to her side. Frank was asleep still. They got married 8 months ago. They lived in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. It was 3 am. She decided to take a walk. Yeah it was 3 don't judge.

She slowly got up making sure not to wake Frank. He turned. She froze. He didn't seem to be awake so she kept going. She would be back before he woke up so she didn't bother leaving a note. She went to the closet and pulled out her coat, hat, and scarf. She grabbed her keys and locked the door. When she was in the lobby she saw Percy.

"Oh Why are you awake?" She asked

"I should ask you the same thing...Annabeth got mad at me so" (Perfect couples still can get mad so)


"Hey um.. not to be self inviting or anything but can I sleep on Your couch?" Percy asked

"Yeah anytime. If Frank asks where i went tell him I went for a walk I should be back by then." She handed him the keys.

"Are you guys in a fight?" Percy took my keys

"No I would probaby have him leave not me" She laughed "I just can't sleep"

"So everythings going well?' He smiled

"Yeah I mean besides the fact that the apartment always needs to have fixing" She sighed "What about you?"

"Well the baby is crying 24/7" Percy laughed "Its worth it. Are you guys ever going to have kids?"

"Seriously we just got married"

"I mean you would be great parents. Can I tell you something?"


"When I first met you I thought you were the best couple. I really wanted you to get together, I went insane when Frank told me that he was going to propose."

Hazel felt her face go red. She wanted to say something to say but words refused to come out of her mouth.

Percy started to say something when Frank opened the door. Their heads spun towards him.

"I was wondering where you went" Frank looked at Hazel "Hey Percy"

"Hey...I am sleeping on your couch tonight if thats ok" Percy told him

"yeah sure" Frank Yawned "C'mon guys" He opened the door all the way. Percy walked in. When Hazel walked in he gently grabbed her arm. "even though you were gone for 5 Mintutes i missed you. Mostly because I didn't know where you were."

They walked into their room and got into bed.

"I'm sorry I thought you would be sleeping"

"You can make it up to me" he smiled

"Sure" she smiled back

"You can kiss me"

"Of course" She leaned in and kissed him. It was slow and sweet.

"goodnight" He pulled her close


"by the way i heard everything you and Percy were saying

"Go to sleep" She smiled into his chest

Kind of sucks but thanks

Frazel one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now