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March 13, 2:17 am, Istanbul, Turkey.

His footprints are quiet, barely there, but impossible to erase. He's not alone. She's there, with him, shaking like a poodle during a thunderstorm. Her black hair falls upon her beaten and bloody face. She has a nasty gash on her forehead, and he has a gun.

Bam! One single shot and she drops dead.

Bam! One simple bullet and she's no more.

He drags her back to the silver Volvo, back to the same place where he found them. She squealed too much for a school teacher.

The man at the wheel is already dead. He was the first to go, one bullet to the head. He was ordered to kill him and no explanation was needed. The woman... well, she was just collateral damage.

He's nothing but a paid assassin. He does what is asked and expected, he doesn't asks questions nor for explanations. He simply does his job.

This is another of those jobs. The man at the wheel owed his boss a lot of money. Everybody owes his boss a lot of money. As per the woman, she saw his face and he couldn't risk himself like that. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes. It's his neck on the line, here! One error on his part and it'll be him who ends up like them.

As the dawn rises, the lifeless bodies of two people sit on a car waiting to be discovered. Inside the Volvo, Ahmet Denizer, a mogul and father of three girls, sits dead by a gunshot wound to the head. Beside him is Sibel Andac, an elementary school teacher soon to be married to a police officer. Two people as different as salt and sugar, as light and dark, like water and oil; but still tied together by fate and by death. 

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