Day 1 - Beginnings (BatCat Week 2018 - Part 1)

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A//N: around the beginning of this month fyeahbatcat on tumblr hosted a batcat week. i wrote a short multi-chaptered story for it, which i somehow forgot to post on here? oops... anyway here it is! i hope you all enjoy! <3 

It was rare that Bruce was the first to wake up. Usually he was the last. This morning was one of those rare times.

As Bruce woke up, he became aware of the fact that Selina was still fast asleep in his arms. A smile made its way across his face as he very carefully moved her closer to him. Even when she was fast asleep she looked like an absolute goddess. How had he managed to get so lucky?

He thought about what his life was like before her. The darkness. How it had always been about the next fight. If Bruce was the superstitious type, which he was not, he would say that the night he and Selina met was the night that set everything that would happen in his life afterward in motion.

Bruce hated events like this, but not nearly as much as he hated the people. The rich snobs that only cared about looks, money and status. He hadn't been there long, but he had already lost count of how many fake smiles and laughs he had already done.

If it was a charity event, he wouldn't have minded as much. At least then something good would have come of it, but stuck in a dusty museum, waiting for a new exhibit to be revealed? Yeah there was a lot of better things he could be doing right now. Things that didn't involve him being Bruce Wayne, Gotham's most eligible bachelor.

He was in the middle of pretending to drink his fifth glass of champagne and planning his escape, when she walked in. It was impossible to not notice her. The way she walked in like she owned everyone and everything in the room, turned a lot of heads.

She wore a sleek black dress with a low v-neck and a slit up the side. Bruce couldn't recollect seeing her at events like this or ever. He was sure he would remember if he had.

Suddenly the idea of escaping didn't sound as interesting as it had done five seconds ago. It couldn't hurt for him to introduce himself, could it? Gotham could wait for him for a few minutes.

Bruce was halfway across the room, headed towards her, when he realised what he was doing. What the Hell was he even doing? A couple minutes ago he had just been planning to escape this place. Now he wanted to stay? To talk to some woman who he didn't even know? Was he insane?

Before he could figure out what he was doing, Bruce had nearly reached her. Well he was just going to have to roll with it now because he was sure that she had noticed him.

"Good evening. I'm Bruce Wayne." he said with his usually winning smile.

"Good for you." she replied, sounding completely and utterly unimpressed. Bruce wouldn't lie, he was a little taken back by it. Not once could he remember someone actually being unimpressed with him that wasn't Alfred. He liked it. It was a nice change from everyone desperately trying to be "friends" with him.

Before he was able to come up with a reply, the owner of the museum came out and called for attention. The main reason everyone was there was finally starting. When he looked back to where she had been standing to find her gone. So that's how that felt.

The owner opened his speech with the usually stuff. Thanking everyone for coming, thanking Bruce for his large and generous donation, which caused everyone to turn to him, clap and force him to put on that fake smile once again.

After what felt like an eternity of him thanking a bunch of other donators and sponsors, he finally moved on to talking about the exhibit. Bruce had done a little bit of research on it before hand.

It was an ancient Egyptian cat statue from a tomb that had recently been discovered. Yes, usually he would be interested in staying and keeping an eye out for someone who might be interested, but anyone who might be was already behind bars. Or so he had thought.

As the curtain hiding the display was opened, the display was empty. The statue was gone. Of course it was, why wouldn't it be? And why did he have a feeling that the woman who was now also gone was the reason? At least he now had a good excuse to leave.

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