The Zodiacs now have personalities
Leo: Yeah ok I go first
Virgo: oh God
Scorpio: if its for me then hell no
Leo: ok Gemini truth or dare
Gemini: ah truth
Leo: oh is it true u like one of the other zodiac's 😏
Gemini: w...what!? 0///0
Taurus: oh Gemini has a crush
Libra: guys leave him alone
Leo&Taurus: NEVER!!!!!
Capricorn: I'll get Scorpio
L&T: .......
Aquarius: that always gets them
Pisces: yeah na du
Scorpio: someone said my name
Cancer: don't worry ok Gemini your turn
Gemini: k Virgo truth or dare
Virgo: a Dare cues I'm awesome
Gemini: ok kiss Cancer on the cheek
Virgo: WHAT!!!
Cancer: ........
Leo&Taurus: Ooooohhhh~~~
Sagittarius: come on Virgo u can do this
Aries: yeah kiss him good
Virgo: Fuck off u two
Cancer: .......
Virgo: *kisses Cancer on the cheek*
Leo: *comes out behind Gemini* just fuck already
Gemini: Scorpio
Scorpio: got it Leo
Leo: oh no *runs off*
Scorpio: get your fucking ass back here Leo! *runs after Leo*
Sagittarius: ok Virgo your turn
Virgo: ok Aries truth of dare
Aries: truth
Virgo: ok is it turn u tried to confess your love to Gemini
Aries: ah! W..well y...yeah
Taurus: ah cute
Gemini: .........
Aries: ok Cancer truth or dare
Cancer: dare
Aries: drink 3litters of water in one go
Cancer: ok *drinks 3litters of water* done ok Taurus truth or dare
Taurus: dare
Cancer: I dare u to kiss or hit one person in this room
Taurus: ok *hits Sagittarius*
Sagittarius: och!
Taurus: ok Pisces truth or dare
Pisces: truth
Taurus: is it true that u can brink 3 bathtubs full of water
Pisces: no I can only drink 2 but I'm getting to 3
Taurus: ok
Pisces: ok Capricorn truth of dare
Capricorn: Dare
Pisces: tell Scorpio that Gemini oh sorry Gemini.... That he wants to kill him in u know
Capricorn: ok *goes over to Scorpio and tells him*
Scorpio: WHAT!!!
Gemini: wait, wait hold on!
Scorpio: hehe *grades Gemini bye the neck* your dead
Gemini: ah!
Capricorn: ok Scorpio your turn
Scorpio: ok Leo truth or dare *still choking Gemini*
Leo: dare
Scorpio: I dare u to tie up 3 people but me
Leo: ok *ties Gemini, Sagittarius & Aquarius*
Gemini: really
Leo: yeah ok ah oh Aquarius truth or dare
Aquarius: truth
Leo: ok do u like Scorpio
Aquarius: well ah? Kind of but Libra truth or dare
Libra: dare
Aquarius: I dare u to kiss one person in the room
Libra: ok *kisses Gemini* ok Sagittarius truth or dare
Gemini: ?????
Aries: *dark ora and Nubbles something* don't kill don't kill don't kill
Sagittarius: truth
Libra: do u like me
Sagittarius: ah well I ah
Leo: he does
Taurus: trust us we know
Gemini: *Nubbles something*
Taurus: what was that Gemini?
Gemini: I said u two really like this don't u
Taurus: oh yes
Leo: and Aries if u want u can tack Gemini
Aries: ! Oh ok *unites them and picks up Gemini princes style*
Gemini: Ah w..wait what!? *turns full red*
Leo & Taurus: have fun 😏👋😏👋
Scorpio: *back ora* Leo, Taurus
L&T: oh shit! *runs off*
Scorpio: GET BACK HERE!!! *runs after as everyone is confused on what just happened*
Zodiac's/birthday stuff
Randomjust some fun ♈Aries ♉Taurus ♊Gemini ♋Cancer ♌Leo ♍Virgo ♎Libra ♏Scorpio ♐Sagittarius (⛎Ophiuchus) ♑Capricorn ♒Aquarius ♓Pisces