A new day.

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"SLUT!!!!! WHY DONT YOU JUST KILL YOURSELF ALREADY?!" Nash said as Cameron pushed you down on the ground and started kicking you. "NASH, CAMERON! STOP!!!!! WHAT DID SUMMER EVER DO TO YOU?!" Your crush/ best friend, Matthew Espinosa said running to pick you up off the ground. As soon as he did Cameron and Nash ran away. Matt ask you " Are you ok?!" "No, no not really..." You responded. "We are going to my house, my moms a nurse." Matthew said to you. You nodded your head as he carried you to his car. The whole car ride was silent. You were in pain. As soon as he pulled into his drive way he hopped out of his care and ran over to your door to pick you up out of his car. He ran to his front door and went inside and hollered for him mom. She entered the room and gasped. "Summer! What happened?!" His mom said. But, Matt spoke for you. " I found Nash and Cameron kicking her around. Just please... Help me mom." He said quietly. His mom told him to lay you on the couch and go and get some ice. So Matt done exactly that. He came back with the ice and handed it to his mom. When you looked up at him you saw tears in his eyes. His mom told him to take you up to his room so you could get some rest and he done so. "Matt..." You managed to get out. "Yes Summer?" He said. "Could you lay down with me?" You said. He replied with a "of corse... Anything for my princess." That's what he called you. You guys cuddled on Matt's bed and watched sponge bob. It was the colorful krabby patty episode. Matthew kissed your fore head and said "Goodnight beautiful." Sooner than a second, you were asleep. You woke up around 6:30 p.m. Matt wasn't there. So you stood up and went to the bathroom and used it. As soon as you came out Matthew was standing there. "When I went back to my room to see if you were still asleep, you wasn't there. I got worried." Matthew said. "Awwe that's so sweet." You said. "Follow me... I wanna show you something." He said. So you followed him out to his bouquany and he said " I want to show you how much I love you." You started blushing. You followed him onto the roof and you guys looked up at the stars. " do you know how many stars there are?" Matt asked you. "No, nobody does." You said. "Exactly. They go on forever. Never ending. That's how much I love you to infinity and beyond." Matthew said to you. You turned to see he was looking at you. He slowly leaned in until your lips met each others. You stayed like that for a long time.

Hey guys! First chapter! Hope you liked it! -summer❤

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