Rain boy (Tom PoV)

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friday, oct 26, 2007

Ever wonder how I'd got the name? One day, 3rd grade. There had been a test, and obviously I wasn't into it. So once it got slipped onto my desk, I'd held it down and stared at it. My neighbor, who had been a burden to me, had nudged me and said, "are you just gonna stare into it and wonder off to wonderland?" He said in a raspy whisper. I just rolled my voids and rested my chin in my palm, staring out into the gray world. It had been raining all morning, it was gray and misty outside. It was hard to see, yet it was comforting. I took a deep breath as my mind began to wonder. "Hello again" I heard a voice whisper as if real. "Hello, mr.Rabbit." I said looking down at my tea and crumpet that had crumbled onto the white plate. "Aren't you supposed to be taking a test?" he asked me in a calm voice. "Yes, but I don't want to." I had replied. He nodded slowly in response while beginning to pour his tea. He stopped and tipped the white pot back to right side up gently. "I understand, tea?" he said, holding the tea pot to pour me a cup. "sure" I said and held out my designed cup. The glass with lavender designing on it got heavier. I pulled my arms back and sniffed the wonderful sent of the flavored water. "What kind is it?" I asked, gently placing back onto the matted table. "oh, its herbal this time." Mr.Rabbit looked up from his crumpet to look at me, but looked at his sweet treat again after he had answered. "Oh..." I had acknowledged. "Maybe its time to get back to class..." Mr.Rabbit said, intertwining his fingers and placing his furry chin on his new hand pillow he had made under it. Mr.Rabbit stared into my voids, making me uncomfortable. "yea..." I answered, looking down at the dark gray grass. Actually, the whole world was black and white with some grays mixed in, but I already took nodice of this the first time I had visited. "Nice chat" the white rabbit said, finally breaking his hard gaze and and turning to get up. "yea..." I had replied in an awkward whisper. Then like that, I was back in the real world. I blinked his tired eyes and looked at the time. Only two minutes til the end of the day, I'd better just finish his test on monday. Right after that thought, the bell rang, and the stampede of little children cramed out the door. I just sighed and looked at my teacher, but the teacher gave no response. I heaved myself out of his chair and placed my test on the teachers desk, and without looking at the teachers reaction, I walked out the door. "Hey, I heard the White Rabbit called again!" A burden passing by had yelled to me. Another burden came and shoved me onto my red locker. People had gave me weird looks, but I didn't mind. You see, the reason why people where looking at me, was the way I looked. My hair was snarly, and I had black jeans. A black tee-shirt with a skull on it to top it off. But thats how I liked it, so it stayed that way to this day. Anyway, I had a fairely medeocer day. Well, I have homework. Cya later, logbook. Tom out.

Words : 590
Urge to continue : yes

rain boy and Killer (Grunge!Tord X Grunge!Tom)Where stories live. Discover now