Chapter 5 - Part 2

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I felt better. My wounds on my back had begun to heal miraculously quickly in a day since they had been inflicted and I wondered if it was my body regenerating or Silas' blood that was responsible for it.

Just when I had him figured out he did something totally uncharacteristic. Yet, I still hated him. It was too traumatic to think back to his punishment, remembering how I had pleaded with him and the sound of the whip hitting my skin. I swallowed the bubbling emotion it brought to the surface.

I hadn't seen Silas since he had offered me his blood. I was still trying to figure out his motive.

A guy I hadn't seen before had entered with new clothes and instructed me to follow him. He led me to a small bathroom where he instructed me to shower. Despite my loathing for Silas I wondered where he was. I hated that I thought about him at all.

My back had healed quite a bit but the thought of something touching it, even if it was water, sent a shiver of apprehension through me. I turned the shower on and made sure it was only lukewarm before I slowly stepped under the running water.

After a few seconds the initial pain subsided and I bowed my head loving the warmth of the water.

I didn't want to think about what was going to happen. I wanted to stay right in this moment with the warmth of the shower where I wasn't scared, nervous or afraid.

It was five minutes of pure heaven. I showered and got dressed. The guy was waiting outside when I opened the door.

"Silas wants to see you." He walked and I followed behind feeling the emotions I had suppressed up to that point.

I was aware he was leading me to the same room I had refused to kill the Scrav. I knew my refusal hadn't been the end but to be confronted with this so soon after my punishment felt like another cruel act.

The guy opened the door and I wasn't surprised to see the same girl tied to the wall. The only difference this time was her mouth was taped. Silas was beside her with his arms crossed when I entered the room. The door closed behind me.

"You only delayed the inevitable," he said. He straightened dropping his arms to his side and I hated how intimidated I was by his presence. My skin still burned with his cruelty.

Delayed didn't seem to be an apt description of the punishment I had endured. When he stepped closer I moved away keeping my distance to him. I feared him, it was instinctual.

He took in the action but didn't say anything. The female Scav struggled against the restraints.

"You will not survive this world with compassion," he lectured. He looked to the Scav. "There is no room for that. You have to fight to survive. It's either her...or you."

When he set his gaze back on me I felt a shiver of fear and I tried to block out the memory of begging him to kill me.

"I can't..." I swallowed feeling like I was treading dangerously on thin ice.

"You can... and you will." There was no room for failure in his mind but he didn't know me. He didn't know that even if I could actually do what he was suggesting, the weight of the guilt would kill me.

It was a no win situation. Only comparing each outcome left me with the choice that I would rather deal with a physical pain than an emotional one that would never heal.

"You can't make me." I rolled my shoulders back slightly determined even though it renewed the ache of the wounds on my back.

"That's where you're wrong." He pinned me with a look that told me I had overestimated my control.

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