✔️Chapt 1✔️

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-Intro//Third person//-

You click at your keyboard like crazy, spamming   the game button. He laughs watching you sweat frantically. He repeats the same move killing your character slowly.

:Critical health!:

  The computer screeches. You panic only thinking of the final resort. You reach out, still hitting the same button and yank the wire connected to a computer other than yours. His screen turns blank and completely dark. You win by forfeit, at least that's what the computer reads.

His jaw drops as he stares at you with utter disbelief.
   "You barbarian!" he shouts. You laugh hysterically at his reaction. He hits you playfully. "Cheater!" He hits you again. "Loser!" And again. "Poor sport!" Annnnd again.

  "Haha, better luck next time Keith."
Later that night you both worked silently. Yes, work was important to you, but you didn't want to live the rest of your life with out any fun.

  It was now two in the morning, no one else but you and him remained in the office. Then it was just you. He left you with a smelly sticker that smelt awful, but you kept it anyway knowing he'd comeback to ask where you put it. Telling him, 'In the trash', was not an answer.

  Finally you finish you work, yawning opening the first drawer to your desk. You pull out a photo of a group of kids. You smile wryly recalling the friendly memories as if it happened only yesterday.


"Stop running so fast!" The chunky little girl says slowing down by the second. She paused panting, hands resting on her knees. Her short, brown lion mane hair flying forward.

  The tall, and slightly older boy grins in amusement.
"Come on! You'll never win him over if you stop now," he says. Her baby blue eyes look up from the floor with defeat, then fill up with determination.

  "Atta girl!" He cheers, suddenly looking in your direction and calling over you.

You stand up from the bleachers watching as your two friends jog along side one an other.  You join, eyes flickering towards Keith every now and then. His eyes only focused on the girl with burning passion, Serenity. They were your best friends, but you always felt they had a special connection, one that you could never enter...

  Abruptly, the weather changes it had been sunny not too long ago so why was it raining now? You groan never considering the fact that it might rain. On top of that you had forgot your umbrella. Luckily Keith had brought one.

It was absolutely pointless now. The three of you huddled together as close as you could. Keith in the middle, Serenity on the left, and you on the right. When ever he tried to cover one of you, the other would get wet. He stares at you with puppy eyes. You scoff nodding your head in approval. He mouths out a few words and you smile as he covers Serenity. You dash off protecting yourself from the rain using your gym bag. You hear a voice shout your name, assuming it was Serenity you wave a hand to let her know you would be okay.

  You knew Keith had always had a thing for Serenity, and oh boy did he have it bad. When ever he had the chance, he would make a move on her. Of course your innocent chubby friend was to oblivious so it really didn't get to her. However, when she had told him that she liked some one, his eyes fluttered with hope that it was him, and fear feeling it wasn't. You pitied your male friend already knowing who it was.

When she finally managed to tell him who, he was infuriated. Not because their feelings were not mutual, but because it was him. The most popular guy in our school and the most ruthless.  She thought about confessing her feelings but she had overheard a confession from another girl. She looked similar to her, but was cuter. She dressed cuter and her hair wasn't wild but neatly tied back.
  She remembers his exact words vividly.

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