✔️chapt 3✔️

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-Your POV-

Your eyes felt as if they had been set on fire and your stomach churned at the person in front of you. Your vision became blurry from the waterfall pouring out of your eyes. You could no longer see him, and you were alright with that.
"What's wrong?!" He asks reaching out for your arm. You slap it away and sob uncontrollably, you could only continue to wipe away at the tears.
"I-I'm sorry, is there any way I can help?" He says softly. You look away in question. Had he not remembered you? You were sure that the man with you was him, but it was like he didn't know you.
He has the same broad shoulders, toned muscles, raven hair, and pale skin. But, most importantly, he still has those silver eyes. Only, some how they were different now. The first time you had encountered him, yes he had silver eyes, but they were cold and lifeless. Now, he had these warm soft eyes that could make any girl fall in love instantly. Any girl, but you.
You were furious that he had not recognized you. We're you that little to him? You weren't backing down with out a fight.
"Y-you," you struggle to say. He sits up straight ready for your words. "Don't act dumb!" You shout hitting him with a book. When you were younger he had given you a book for your fifteenth birthday. You laughed thinking it was a joke, because out of all things you liked, reading was not one of them. Nevertheless you took a liking to the book. Ever since then you held onto it reading it whenever you needed to cheer up.
His jaw drops slightly as he reads the title of the book, "Shit and Stuff".
He just stares at you and blinks something clicking in his head. He laughs as you frown in anger.
"(Y/N)!" He smiles hugging you. At first you wanted to grab him by his sweater and throw him out, but you did miss his presence so you hug back. The hug lasted for who knows how long but it felt so warm you couldn't let go.
"We should let go, even though I don't want to." He admits whispering in your ear. A chill runs through your spine, but you didn't mind it. You nod and release from the hug. The whole way to his house you both chatted and caught up with one an other. Totally blinded by the chatting a question pops up in your head.
"Where did you go?" You ask firmly wanting an answer. He stops laughing and the car falls silent again.
"Remember that incident when you were younger?" He asks stiffly. You tilt your head trying to think. Suddenly, a memory you had forgotten slowly makes its way back.

Sorry for the late update and the short chapter next chapter will be longer r.i.p \._./

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