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** Please note, I have updated this chapter to reflect changes in the book and will attempt to upload a new chapter every two or three days. Sorry for the delay with this series. I have the rights back to it from my publisher and will begin the process of uploading all the books as I revise the work. **

She stared down at the city below, her face sad.  How could she have forgotten?  It hurt to remember, but she would give anything to have it all back.  But could she really do it?  The consequences were severe and final.  Could she betray everything, everyone she loved for her own selfish needs?  For him?  

"Here you are."  Hands slipped around her waist.  "I thought I'd find you here."

She said nothing, but felt the tears slip from her eyes.  This man loved her, but he wasn't the one she longed for, the one she would give up everything for. 

"What is wrong?" he asked, concerned.  "Why are you crying?"

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be like them?" she asked.

"No," he said.  "Do you?"

She sighed.  If only she hadn't met him.  If only he hadn't tempted her with what she could have, with...

Fingers slid up her arms and wheeled her around.  She refused to look up.  She couldn't let him see what was in her eyes.  He would know and try to stop her.

"What is going on with you?" he demanded.  "Why are you talking like this?"

Again, the same question entered her mind.  Could she give up everything?  The answer flared to life within her.  Yes, she could give up everything.  She pulled free of the hands that held her and walked to the ledge.  Still, she hesitated.  There was no turning back if she did this. 

Her eyes found the spot she knew well below and centered in on the man waiting there.

The consequences meant little for what she stood to gain.

She stepped off the ledge, ignoring the cry of grief from above her and fell into the darkness below.

Hunted - Book 3 of the Coven SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now