The Day ( A Nash Grier Fanfic )

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I woke up around 12 in the afternoon to my phone buzzing every 20 seconds, when i looked at the messages it was my friend Lucy. I unlocked my phone and saw all caps and a writing of which i didn't understand. I scrolled to the top and what i could make of it was " NASH FOLLOWED YOU." Except it was in a much different language, of which only fan girls speak. I didn't believe it, i thought she was just playing a trick on me as she has before. I opened twitter and searched Nash's Name, I clicked on it and gave it a minute to load. Nash's name moves to the side a little and a rectangular bubble pops up with the letters " FOLLOWS YOU". next to his name. I immediately screamed, and started crying! I wrote Lucy back saying " HW DUDD WHYT DI I DY"  using fan girl language, because im shaking out of control and cant type. When I finally cooled down I decided to direct message him pick-up lines, and ugly selfies. I didn't think he would ever see, but shortly after I sent the ugliest selfie known to "selfie's" He replied with "Hey Beautiful". I told Lucy and she called me, only to scream so loud in my ears, it took awhile to get my hearing back. I told my mom about it, and i guess she decided that now was the time to tell me the "good news." I was so anxious to know what the news was. 

'You might want to sit down for this one." My mom says sarcasticly. 

   "Okay." I say as I take a seat, not understanding the sarcasm she's leading on."

She takes a deep breath and says, " I got you tickets to one of Nash's meet & greet's "!! 

" MOM ARE YOU SERIOUS. STOP. DONT PLAY WITH ME. " I screamed at her, and started crying tears of joy. 

  " Yes. I know how much he means to you Karen, and He's a good kid. I remember when I was a teenager and I over obssessed with all these boys and actors. I got two so you can bring a friend." My mom replies happily. 

I immeditaly knew who I wanted to take, Lucy! There's just one problem. She lives in UK, I live in the US.

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