How You React To Chara (Kris?) Pulling Out Their Soul
Aries: How The Fuk
Taurus: Oh, okay
Gemini: oOf
Cancer: What
Leo: That's Fun...
Virgo: That Look Like It Be Hurting
Libra: ArE tHEy oKAy?
Scorpio: I wish I Could Do That
Sagittarius: GOOD GOD
Capricorn: Oof-i-Doof
Aquarius: How Do You- How Does That- WHAT
Pisces: *big gasp*
Deltarune Zodiacs
RandomHey, what up, this book might contain spoilers, if you are still interested in reading, then I will give you a heads up about a spoiler! That's it. -Signed Howtotalktopeople101