August pov
August y did u get ant tested "Kae asked as we looked up at the stars
I didn't i promise I didn't I know for a fact that he's mine he act like me walk n talk n dress liked "I said looking her in her eyes
N he's stubborn n mean like u "she said Laughing
Give me kiss"i said she kiss me n I deepened it
I love u auggie "she said as she pulled out the kiss
I love u too but don't ever call me that "I said she jst chuckled a little
Kae "I said staring at her
Wat nigga damn "she said rolling her eyes
I chucked
I wanna another baby "I said smiling
We'll see about that "she said
Come own my momma keeping the kids let go home n make triplet "I said as I got up n then I helped her up
No way in having triplets "she said as we walked to the car

RomanceKaelynn Harris is a dancer she a pretty girl.She is August Alsina baby mama they have a 3year old son August Anthony Alsina 3rd . In the story it drama ,love ,sex breakups so jst read to find out!!!!!!!