The Unwanted Wife

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<strong><em>CHAPTER ONE</em></strong> 

There wasn’t much I like about mornings, especially when I feel something wasn’t right, I can’t quite put my finger on it, but the feeling were just there. I stretched getting off the bed. This was unusual I never sleep naked, I stood up stretching properly, then I saw a naked man on my bed, I screamed so loud, that even some one next door could hear me.

“Shut it, will you, I’m having the most terrible migraine. He said rolling on his side, I could see his prefect dimple ass, I can’t believe I was thinking about that, I took the duvet from the bed and wrapped it around myself, I carried the only object I could find to throw at him which was a pillow, he groaned, turning around. I can’t…….I can’t believe I slept with a total stranger, I wasn’t the to do the that which was why I was so angry and the stupid jerk was sleeping idiot!!!

“Get off the bed at once!” I said, normally I wouldn’t have been bold enough to order a stranger off the bed.

“What is it you don’t understand? I’m done with you, how much is your service? He stood up not caring if he was naked, picking up his pants searching for his wallet. I gasped, what does the fucking idiot take me for? I walked up to him and tapped him on his left shoulder not caring if my head hurts as I take every step.

“Look here Mr., I don’t bloody need your stupid money, and all I want to know is how the hell I got in your bed last night?”

He turned to see the girl night from the he brought with him to his hotel last night from the club, she had a very strange accent, he stared at her for some minutes, her hair all tangled and her make up all smudged, he couldn’t even see her properly with the duvet wrapped around her, he was irritated because he brought this thing with him last night, he liked his girls all blond and curvy and very beautiful but she was too tan for his taste and she has dark brown hair, he was so angry, she even have the nerves to wake me up, what a bitch, he thought, then he noticed a glittering stoned diamond ring on her finger, he kept staring at the finger and she was using it to hold the duvet from falling off her, he couldn’t believe his eyes, what an idiot he was for bringing a married woman to bed, all his life he had never done anything that stupid.

She felt like screaming what to his face, why was he staring at her fingers like that? She looked at her fingers and looked up at his face back. What!!!......... What did she just see, he replaced the other hand to hold the duvet and looked properly at beautiful expensive ring on her finger, and she was shocked beyond reason.

He saw the surprised look on her face as she stared at her fingers like she hadn’t seen them before…………. Ohhhh no, please let it not be, he cracked his brain to remember what happened last night, but he couldn’t.

“ohhhh no! no!! no!!! this is not happening to me?” She said. This cant happen to her? This happened in the movies not her! I’m so dead, her parent would be so disappointed in her, her brother and sister, ohh gosh! Her parent had spent all their life inheritance sending her to college abroad, she came from a very poor home, where they couldn’t eat three square meal a day. She had being very smart in highschool, which got her a scholarship to study abroad, which lead to her parent spending every thing they had, making sure her visa and flight ticket were ready,they were her only hope to take them from their current position to something bigger, they believed in her, trusted her with their every being and now she has let them down by getting married to a complete stranger, she was on the verge of tears. She was from Nigeria, and was a Christian and don’t believe in breaking an oat to God. What on earth made her agree to go with her friends? She had being in los Anglos for the past four years now, im was owing debts everywhere, just to make sure I send money for my parent in Nigeria. I work very hard,infact I have five jobs I work every day, I’m in my fourth year in college and yesterday was my graduation and we all decided to have some fun since it was the end of college, at first I didn’t agree to go with them but my friends talked me in, since all my four years in college I haven’t gone to a club. And now look where it got me into for goining to a stupid club, what am I to do now??? Oh lord please help me, she prayed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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