Time & Trials

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You see everything wouldn't workout the way you want it to because you'll try your possible best to push it to get moving at the wrong time.
"Rushing is an act of Satan". So stay focused on wherever you are at the moment and pray for the highest level you can't even think of.
When it's your turn, I hope you get to know why the wait was necessary for every tire, every mile, every man trained, every move is by Allahs permission!!!  Strive hard for your goals and leave the rest to God.
People might say bad things about you but you shouldn't worry about any of that because if you do, then you're not willing to achieve what you're willing to get. So push out every negative thing from your life and strive hard.
And always remember that your success is only by Allah.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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