smith river

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School starts in about three weeks and I couldn't be more afraid. I'm going back to that foreign place where I don't know anyone and I sit alone.

But there's still time for one last adventure. I want to go camping with you. Not just any park-a-trailer-in-a-campground type of camping. I'm talking about driving up Redwood Highway until we're alongside the crystal-clear Smith River. 

Find one of those dirt roads that looks like no one has touched for decades and drive and drive and drive until the sound of cars and honking is replaced with the rushing water of the river and the flapping of fairy wings. 

No fancy trailers with running water and electricity and memory foam mattresses and FM radio. Just a simple tent with a couple sleeping bags and maybe a lantern. That's enough for us. 

We can spend the weekend weaving between the pine trees and lying underneath the raindrops. Throw me in the river and jump in after me and we can swim for miles and forget about tests and teachers and homework and AP classes and studying and oh did you hear about her? she didn't eat lunch or breakfast today she must be anorexic. Right now it's just us. Hands intertwined and daisies tangled in our hair. 

I wish it could stay that way. 

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