Cooking Class

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3rd person

Everyone was watching the classroom burn, Flash secretly passes marshmallows in sticks to everyone, and the teacher was looking at his classroom bewildered...

What happened? Lets rewind for the day Bucky found an advertisement for a cooking class in the announcement board in Peter's school...


All of the parents were staring at me in awe, some mothers were giving me flirty looks while men were checking my metal arm.

Its my turn to pick up Peter since all the others were very busy. The bell rang and we were given a pass to enter and find the kids. I wall around the familiar hallway looking for Peter.

A teacher was placing a paper in the board and everyone was looking, a cooking class? I look at it and saw Peter talking to his teacher and getting some papers. I walk to him.

"Hey kid" I said he looks at me and smiles "hi uncle Buck" he said the teacher smiles at me "Peter passed his homework earlier than the others please tell his parents that he has an additional point for it" she said.

I nod and guide Peter out. "So Pete I saw something in your announcement board, a cooking class" I said while we walk home. "Oh yeah? That's cool uncle Bucky" he said.

"Yes and I want you to join" I said and he laughs "me? Cook? Uncle Bucky that place will burn down" he said and I laugh as well.

"Yeah and it'll explode"


"The stove exploded and burned the whole classroom" the principal said Steve and Tony glared at me and Peter.

I smiled sheepishly while Peter had puppy eyes. "Oh don't worry we will pay for everything, can you take discipline actions for this man too?" Tony asks my smile turns into a frown.

"Hey! I'm not even a student here" I said "well technically you were the one who joined and made the stove explode so you are one" Steve snaps.

"We can he will be the one to rearrange the classroom while Peter he um... he can't join the cooking club anymore even Mr. Barnes"  the principal said.

Peter and I glared at the man, "gladly" we said and walk away.

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