Chapter One: You Have a Sister?

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Steve jerked awake at the sound of a meeting alert on his phone. He quickly jumped out of bed and threw on his uniform, reaching for his shield. As he made his way down to the meeting room, the rest of the team kicked off their sheets and ran down as well.

When they arrived at the room they saw Thor sitting at the head of the table, half of the team sitting along the sides. They were only waiting on Tony. When he finally decided to show up, Thor began spitting out information rapidly.

Everyone's eyes widened with each detail he gave. He has a sister? Steve stared at him. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on, Thor, you have a sister?" He leaned forward. "Like adopted or what?"

"No, she's my sister by blood." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Is no one going to point out the fact that Point Break got a haircut?" Said Tony, just having to butt in like that.

Thor just glared at him, before completely ignoring his question. "So, what I'm really trying to say is, she needs a place to does the rest of Asgard." He gave a nervous smile. "I was thinking that she, Loki, and I could all stay here, in the facility, and the rest of them could live in that old compound in Norway." He shrugged.

Tony gawked at him. "You want
us to let your sister, the Mistress of Death, stay here?" He shook his head dramatically. "Nope."

Steve, being the rational one, chimed in. "I think she's harmless enough." He wasn't really one for  starting another war, after all, he'd just finished one against Tony. He hoped they'd just be able to get past their differences and accept this new member.

Loki laughed. "Harmless? She pinned Thor without breaking a sweat, and she's the reason he doesn't have two eyes anymore."

"Brother, that's not helping..." Thor sighed.

"I'm simply putting it how it is." He replied coolly.

Rhodey's brows knitted together. "Maybe we should meet her first, then decide." He added thoughtfully.

"I think all of us at one time could handle her. Everyone deserves a chance." Natasha rubbed the back of her neck a little.

"What will Fury have to say about this?" Maria asked, worried. "I think he'd see her as a threat."

"I think she could potentially be a powerful ally." Said Bruce calmly. "Considering all that I've witnessed, she seems to have limitless abilities. Killing aliens would be a breeze." He reasoned.

"She could also be an unstoppable enemy, Bruce." Steve challenged. "The more I hear about her, the less I'm liking the odds."

"Well, if she was bent on destroying us, wouldn't we already be under attack? If no one can stop her, why hasn't she started yet?" Clint asked tapping his hand on the table. "I think we should give her a chance. And if Fury doesn't like it, he can suck it up."

Thor had remained silent throughout the entire conversation, save for the very beginning, and now cleared his throat. All eyes turned to him. "My sister, Hela, is the Goddess of Death as I am the God of Thunder, and Loki the God of Mischief, and that means her powers are much more dangerous than that of ours, but she is a good person nonetheless. Just because she was given the role of one who brings death, she can do it gracefully, without gore. I understand you worry about her overpowering us, seeing as her magical abilities are equal to Loki's and her strength much surpasses any of ours, but she means no harm. She's very hard to get along with, but you'll get used to it. If you don't cross her, you won't have anything to worry about. She'll mind her own business."

"He's right for once." Loki agreed. "She just never got to be a part of the family, and she never intended to kill either of us because of that. She was just hurt by Odin's actions. You guys gave me a second chance, you can offer her a chance as well."

"Reindeer Games is being the voice of reason. The world must be ending." Tony smirked.

"Yours maybe." Loki smirked back.

"Stop threatening him." Thor rolled his eyes before changing back to the original subject. "So, are we all in agreement to give Hela a chance?"

Everyone but Tony nodded and mumbled, "Yes." Everyone turned to Tony who was scratching is goatee. "Tony?" Steve stood up as Bruce nudged him.

He sighed. "Fine, whatever. Don't say I didn't tell you so when she kills us all." He uncrossed his arms and held them up in surrender. "Let's go meet her."

Thor laughed nervously. "Eh, well, she's already here." He called out to nothing. "Hela, come out."

A black and green mist formed and a tall, slender woman stepped forth from it. Her long hair was black as the night and her eyes were a piercing blue. Her aura was so powerful that they immediately felt frightened by her mere presence. The team stiffened and got to their feet.

Her clothes fit her like a glove and hugged every curve just right. They were quite taken aback by her beauty to be honest. They were expecting a skeleton or something gross and gory. "Greetings, mortals." Her lips turned upward into a small smile.

Tony's eyes had grown wider than a pair of dinner plates. "On second thought, she can stay as long as she likes. As long as she wears that." He smirked.

Hela didn't seem too amused by this. "Watch that mouth of yours." She approaches him slowly. "Or you'll be sorry." She towered over him.

Now that they had a closer look, they realised she was taller than Thor himself. She made his large six-six stature look pathetic, seeing as she was a good six inches taller than him.

Tony just continued smirking. "I like tall women."

She pinned him against the wall, wrapping her long fingers around his neck, and everyone took a step toward her. "Hela, easy." Loki said softly, grabbing her arm. "They're here to help us."

Her mouth twitched and she let Tony go. He chuckled and stepped away. "Is he really necessary?"

"Yes, he is." Bruce stepped forward. "Believe it or not, he's actually valuable."

"Wow, hurtful." Tony glared.

Hela nodded and stepped back, taking a position beside her two brothers. Steve nodded toward her respectfully. "Your Highness, we have-"

"Majesty." She corrected. "I'm a queen, not a princess."

"Hela, leave him be." Thor bumped her with his arm. "Midgard doesn't work like that."

She rolled her eyes as Steve continued. "Your Majesty, we have decided to let you stay here with us."

"Yes, I know. I heard your little discussion." She nodded. "You see, my original proposition was to just arrive and stay here without asking. You can thank my brothers for being much more reasonable than I."

"Ah, yes, uh..." Steve nodded. "So, I'll let you three get settled then." He shrugged awkwardly and led them out of the room. He walked down the hall and let Thor take back his old room. He turned to Loki and Hela. "I guess you two can take the guest quarters until Tony can get others ready. Of course, you'd have to share..."

"Don't bother. I'm not high maintenance." Hela softened a bit before returning back to her normal state. "I'll be perfectly fine without a sleeping quarters." And with that she gathered her cloak and left.

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