Chapter 3

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Kaycee's POV
It's been a couple of days since the game and I still haven't worked up the nerves to call Dansby. I mean, what would I even say? Normally I would ask my friends for help but I haven't told any of them yet because they would be so jealous. After sitting on my couch for another 20 minutes, staring at the baseball and procrastinating, I finally decided to just go for it. I picked up my phone, dialed the 10 digits, and pressed call. It rang about 3 or 4 times before the call connected. "Hello?" I heard the rugged southern voice say through the phone and I froze. "Hello??" He said again. "Um... hi, sorry. I don't know if you remember me, you probably don't but I thought I'd call anyways becau..." I started rambling before Dansby cut me off. "Of course I remember you. Kaycee right?" He said. "Y-yes. You remembered me just from my voice?" I asked. "I never forget a girl as beautiful as yourself." He replies and was hard core blushing. "I tell you what. How about tonight, I'll come pick you up and we can go out and do something." He suggested. "Is The Dansby Swanson asking me on a date?" I questioned. "Yes, He is." He responded with a chuckle. "6:30?" I asked. "6:30." He agreed and we hung up. After coming down from cloud 9, I looked at the clock and realized I needed to start getting ready.

I was just about finished getting ready when I got a text from Dansby. "Hey, what's your address?" He asked so I sent it to him then finished getting ready. Right when I finished, there was a knock on the door so I checked myself in the mirror then went to the door. I took a deep breath before opening it and once I did I was met with the most gorgeous smile. "Wow. You look amazing." Dansby said. "Thank you." I blushed. "These are for you." He handed me a bouquet of roses. "They're beautiful! Thank you." I said as I filled a vase with water and put them on the counter before walking out. We got in Dansby's car and started driving. I was expecting ya to go somewhere in Atlanta so I was confused when Dansby turned into the Kennesaw Mellow Mushroom. "What? Not what you were expecting?" He asked. "No, not really." I replied with a laugh. "Well we can't do a bar because I would be tempted to drink and we play tomorrow. Also, I love pizza." He said, grabbing my hand as we walked inside.

We finished eating in about 30 minutes and, after a few pictures and autographs, we left. We got back to my apartment and we just sat there for a second. "That was too quick of a first date." He mentioned. "Do you wanna come inside and we can keep it going?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. We walked up the stairs to my door and we went inside. "You wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Yeah. Have you seen Truth Or Dare?" He asked. "No. I don't like scary movies." I told him but he insisted on watching it so I got on Netflix and turned it on.

With every scare, I moved closer and closer to Dansby for protection and every once in awhile, I could feel him cut his eyes towards me and grin. After awhile, I was basically in his lap. I had my legs laid across his, my arms around his neck, and my head buried in the crease of his neck and he had one arm around my waist and one on my thigh. The movie had already ended but we stayed in this position. "Hey how do you feel about kissing on the first date?" Dansby asked. "It depends. If I wanna kiss the guy then I will. But if I don't, he might get punched." I told him. "That's a chance I'm willing to take." He said. He started to lean in and eventually his soft lips met mine and I could feel my heart rate grow. He deepened the kiss by putting a hand in my cheek and pulling me into his lap but after awhile, I pulled away. "I do have a strict no first date sex policy though." I told him. "High School make out sesh." He said, flipping me on my back and reconnecting our lips.

I still can't believe I'm kissing Dansby Swanson. 

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