9-We're All Okay

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Virginia's POV: (A year after the kidnapping)

After everything that's happened, I've never felt closer to James in my entire life. That night had been the most terrifying night ever and I had nightmares for months. But I got through them with the help of James's support and the Avenger's help too. After I'd fallen asleep, I remember waking up and seeing the glittering lights of New York. Once at Stark Tower, I was bandaged up by Bruce Banner. I thanked him repeatedly, and ended up giving him a hug. I was weary from the excitement and wished to go home, but I had to stay for a while while Bucky talked with the group. Most of the time I'd just laid next to him, resting my head on his shoulder while he answered all the questions. Finally they agreed to continue the 'interrogation' tomorrow. Once we were home, I noticed my window was fixed and Bucky informed me that Tony had it fixed while they were on the rescue mission. Being too tired to carry on, I passed out on the couch. I woke the following morning and life went on from there. Bucky and I became a 'thing' pretty quick. Soon enough, our days were filled with working at the coffee shop on weekdays, going dancing at least once a week, occasionally seeing a movie, and every weekend was spent cuddling and watching movies, sometimes going on dates. No matter what, I was always happy to just wake up and see Bucky's adorable sleeping face. And so, as I slow dance in our apartment, I smile.

Bucky's POV:

I was ecstatic to see my baby doll dancing with me again. Although it wasn't swing, I knew we'd have to take things one small step at a time to make sure she recovers quickly. Her small feet stepped along with mine, occasionally stumbling. I knew I'd have to be careful, due to her being easily tired and fragile. But I didn't mind too much that she was injured. It just meant more cuddles with my doll face. I was more than willing to do that. Snuggled under a big, soft, fluffy blanket, watching movies and laughing, sipping hot chocolate and eating junk food, all while cherishing every second with my Virginia. Every day I wake her with a small kiss on the nose, which made her scrunch up her face and giggle sleepily. Morning cuddles are mandatory and little kisses and nuzzles into her neck always make her laugh. Seeing her happy and getting better makes everything worth while. After about a year and a half of recovery, we were invited to a famous Stark Party. Luckily, my cupcake was all up for a night of dancing and hanging out with friends. So when six o' clock rolled around, we arrived at the Stark Tower ready to party. And what a party indeed! We had a great time! It started out kind of causal, mostly small talk and catching up. Soon enough, a dance party broke out and once it started, it was impossible to stop. Around midnight, it calmed down and only the original Avengers, Virginia, and I remained. So we chatted over a few drinks and eventually the party crawled to an end. It was a very memorable time and I was excited when Virginia showed me all of the pictures and videos she'd taken. Of course, that was a week ago. Currently, I'm hiding behind the couch to surprise my doll for her birthday with the help of Steve and an old friend.

Virginia's POV:

I unlocked the door to the apartment and stepped inside. I was confused when I saw that the lights were off. "Bucky Bear? I'm home", I called into the seemingly empty flat.

There was a scuffling by the window and I thought maybe it was James but in instead I only saw Benjamin lazily lumbering about the living room. I set down my bags, purse, and keys. After taking off my coat, I slid off my shoes and flicked on the lights; still nothing. Taking one more step into the house, I called out, "James where are you Love?"


I was startled by the sudden movement and sound and I fell. The shout was accompanied by laughter and I looked up to see my boyfriend, Bucky Bear, and our best friend, Stevie, howling with laughter. I giggled as they rushed over to help me up and slap a dorky birthday hat on my head. Bucky wrapped an arm about my waist, kissed my cheek, and cheered, "Happy Birthday Baby Doll!"

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