Chapter Ten: Family

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I don't know why I ever expect to get a happily ever after. Those suck. Hospitals suck. People suck. I could go on and on. But I won't because I have more important things to do. Hurt Scott. My father. 12 HOURS EARLIER: I walked out of the apartment building and walked the few minutes down to the hotel. I got into the elevator to the 5th floor and walked up to the door. 563. There was a little bag that has a note from him and a keycard. I smiled to myself and opened the door and walked in to something I didn't want to. "Emma no get out of here!" Rafael screamed as I opened the door and walked in. But it was too late. I quickly turned around but some man shut the door and pushed me back towards the bedroom where I found Rafael badly beaten, on the bed, his hands in handcuffs. I immediately ran over to him and cried hugging him tightly. "Ow, Emma," " Oh I'm sorry." "No, don't worry about me. You shouldn't be here." "I'm here because you texted me." "I only texted you that one time. What other texts are you talking about?" "Yes daughter, do tell him." Rafael and I but turned around to see a man standing in the doorway. I was shocked, I was sitting in front of the man that I hated. My father. My biological father. The sadness that I felt seeing Rafael the way he is, turned into hatred. "You stay away from me and him." "Oh, my daughter, so protective, like her father."He had a wicked smile on his face, and I was terrified. "I think it's time for us to have a discussion." He pulls up a chair and sits down. "What do you want?" I asked. He kept that wicked smile on his face. It felt like he was devouring me and Rafael with his eyes. "You are going to come live with me, where you should have lived since birth." "Like hell she will you bastard." Rafael screamed. "Careful," One of Scott's men grabbed me off the bed and held my arm tightly, hurting me. "LET GO!" "YOU LET HER GO!!" "If you so much as say or do anything mean and downright ridiculous, he will take a gun out and hurt you. And I don't think that you want that." Rafael sulked, but immediately turned to me and I nodded, which told him that I will be fine. "Now, can we have a civilized conversation? Or are you two done acting like little brats?" My blood was boiling and I looked over at Scott with the most anger filled eyes. "Over my DEAD body, will I come to live with you!" He walked over to me, as I tried to break away from this mans grasp. He knew I was angry, but he stopped and smiled at me and stroked my face. "My beautiful, daughter. Just like her father, and not her slutty mother." That smile grew across his face as he said that, making me angry! "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!" I managed to get out of the death grab this man had me in and ran over and hit Scott, and crying. He pushed me back on the bed towards Rafael. I hit my arm on the side table and looked at Rafael, with the most concerned look on my face. "Emma..." "Okay, I am going to cut in now. I'm going to leave you two alone and when I come back, Emma, it will be time for you to watch me kill Rafael, in cold blood in front of your eyes." "NO!" I tried to get up, but Rafael pulled me back down, and I could feel myself getting calmer. Scott and his men walked out and locked the door. At this point I am full on sobbing, wondering how any of this could happen. "Rafael, I'm so sorry." "Oh Emma, you don't have to be sorry." I wanted to hug him but I was afraid that I would hurt him. But he gave me a sympathetic look and I knew that it was okay to hug him, and thats what I did. "Rafael, I..." He shook his head, saying that I can't talk out loud. I looked at him confused, but he pointed to the door and then told me to grab the pen and paper off the desk. I did so, and he wrote that there is a key under the tv stand. I obliged and went to take off his handcuffs and he immediately pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I could taste his blood from his lips where he was beaten. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I left you. I couldn't risk him hurting you." "But he hurt you!" He cupped my face in his hands and smiled, "I'd rather anyone hurt me than you. And besides, I can handle it. You know me." I couldn't help but smile and kiss him. There was no one who could make me feel as safe as he did. The intimate moment was short-lived when Scott busted through the door and pulled Rafael off the bed and out in the living room. I tried to follow him, but they locked the door on me and I was terrified that they would hurt him. I banged and banged on the door pleading to be let out, but no one came to my rescue

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