chapter 2:silent yet devastating

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As a little boy,I was clueless about the meaning of dieing ,love in couples and marriage.As I was a little boy I didn't notice that my parents were angry at each other till I was sent to my grandmother's house by my maid. after my parents had querreled.A few days later I was sent back and thought it was over.
When my mother left me for a divorce with my father I was clueless,I thought she was going to work.I saw her leaving the house and treated it like a normal day and said goodbye not knowing that it was the last goodbye I would say to her in years as she walked away out of the house crying out of sadness.
Soon my I overheard a conversation between my classmates in school about a show and it's contents such as divorce.I soon put together the puzzle and knew my mother and father wanted to divorce.I cried in the class,the teacher didn't know what to do except for the normal 'what has happened'.as it was all so fast,it was horrible for me.

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