Me: Master Sonic is the living room drinking tea. While the others are all in the battle room, and looking at Polie, wondering what he's got planned for today. Shadow: ... Jinny: ... Scrat: ... Shadow: (then gets exited for today, arms raised, smiling) Seriously man?! Polie: (eyes closed, smiles, holding two red chaos emeralds) Yup, that's right! Your seeing right Shad. We'll be working with two twin chaos emeralds today. (holding one up, smiles) Like the boomerang, it requires a lot of wrist flexibly, as well as a quick, light, and a firm hold for a great, effective movement and time swap. We'll be using what we learned yesterday, to apply it here today. Shadow: (loving smile at him, and grabs them from him) Thanks. Scrat: (upset face, arms up) But I have more to teach! Jinny: (worried look, points out) Uhm?.. I have some concerns about Scraty handling big, glowing, sparkling, jewel things. Shadow: (walks over to a trunk in the battle room, smile smirk) Way ahead of you Jinn. (opens it up and grabs out two small chaos emeralds with bubble wrap on them) Scraty'll get the big kid chaos emeralds. (paws them to him) Here ya go, bro. Scrat: (smug and annoyed look at him) You think your just soooo funny, don'tcha? Polie: (off view) Alright you guys, remember the basics. Me: Shadow starts explaining. Clash! Scrat: (accidentally throws one) Ahhh! Watch out Jinn! Shadow: (throwing and catching the red chaos emerald, smile smirk) Now wasn't that fun? Scrat: (sad face, paws together) I'm so sorry Jinn Jinn! Jinny: (soft smile, looks at him, bump on her heaf) It's okay, Scraty. Polie: (still holding one, looking at it, smiling) Not bad for a regular old fabric jewel, huh? Me: (really faceplams) God dammit Polie! Why'd you have to say that?! Shadow: (looks at him, confused and a bit annoyed) Huh? What are you talking about? Polie: (looks at him) Well you know. They used to be just jewels for looking at in famous art pieces for museums, before they used then to bring back the dead... Jinny: (points out, a little worried) Uhm? Polie? Shadow: (looks at him like he's kidding, still holding his emerald up, getting a little irritated) What? Are you kidding me? These emeralds, have only been used for bringing loved ones back from the dead, for taking people to their destination of choice, and for time travel. Nothing more. Nothing less. They've always been for that purpose, alone. Polie: (off view) Well, that's not, entirely true. They were also used for fabrics of clothing, and just for show in museums, and it's nothing to be ashamed of... Shadow: (gets mad at him) Yeah! Because they weren't just freaking, fucking jewelry! Polie: (now confused) What are you yelling at me for? Be proud of the history of your weapon, that your welding... Shadow: (still mad) I am! Your just making up shit! Jinny: (leans over to Scrat, smug look) Is them going back to fist fights normal? Or do you still think that they're weird? Scrat: (smiles, looks at them and her) Nah. This is good. Balance has returned. To life, Earth, and me. Me: That, is so not Scraty, but I'm rolling with it. Shadow: (still mad stare at him) Well then! Since I obviously don't know what I'm talking about! Why don't you teach me next time?! Oh wise one of a leader! Polie: (still mad stare at him too) Fine then! I will! Shadow: (pushes him out the way) Good! Great! Now get outta my way! (runs out the battle room) ... Polie: (looks back at Jinny and Scrat, still mad) Can you guys believe him?! Scrat: (whispers to Jinny, smug look) Honestly. Who care where they originally came from? Polie: (still mad) You'd think, at this point, he's stop behaving like an asshole!... Jinny: (a bit of a serious look) Polie, seriously, don't go there. Polie: (still mad look, but eyebrow raised) Uhm?.. Excuse me?.. Jinny: (still a little serious, but smiles a little) Well, Shadow.. Has a bit of a temper. Everyone knows that. I had to put up with that angry attitude for almost a year now, maybe three or four. You just have get used to it, that's all. Scrat: (smiles too, arms crossed) Yeah. He's completely been in a feel too-good-mood lately big bro. I mean, while you were away. He's been pretty much just been straight up, PMSY. Jinny: (looks at him, smiles a bit) Not the way I would've said it, but, yeah. Scrat: (smiles cheeky) Jinny: (still looks serious) And, I don't mean to belittle you.. But.. We had to put up with that angry attitude, for the last two years now, while your gone. Polie: (now confused) Two years? But.. I was only gone for one. Jinny: (looks serious again) It only got more tolerable when he realized that you weren't coming back. Polie: ... Jinny: (paws up, smiles, sweat drop) Oh! I, didn't mean to make you feel guilty. Polie: (sad look down) It's fine. Scrat: (explains more) When he did talk to us, he was mean, rude, and even sometimes violent. Jinny: But to fair, so were we. And then you came back. Scrat: Yeah. And sometimes, we even barely saw him. He would, just grab some food, yell at us, and then head back up to his room. The garage, or the battle room. Jinny: After the Shadow Watcher thing happened, we barley saw him even more often than not. Scraty and I.. Just found ways to keep ourselves busy. He probably started, The Shadow Watcher thing, about a month or so ago. Scrat: Yeah. And you know those new swords he gave you at The Furries? He actually made them himself! He was, actually saving them for you, for when you got back. But, he didn't know when you'd be coming back. I remembered the night that you were supposed to come back. We wanted to wait for you at the door, but Shad, beat us to it. He stayed up all night waiting for you, camping out in the living room, for we don't know how many days.. Just waiting for you. We worried for him, but.. You never showed up. Jinny: Or.. So we thought we were worried about him. But, eventually he did apologize to us for a being a jerk. Scrat: (points out, smiles) It was about 2.5 days until Polie's unscheduled arrival back home. (points out more, smiles) I have newspaper clippings that can totally prove it. Jinny: (points out more) And also, to add on to that. Shadow didn't exactly become his charming self afterward of all this. So you just have to deal with one or two temper tantrums, ever now and then. But we can that he's trying to make things right with all of us. Scrat: (smiles and shrugs) And to be fair, that quite possibly the most stupidest fight, I've ever seen you guys ever got into. But, you've been in a lot of dumber ones. Jinny: (smug worried look at him) Scraty.. Polie: (touches his forehead, smiles, feels bad) No. He's right. I feel so silly, n-now. (turns around and looks back at them, smiles still) I better go stop him before he does something stupid. Jinny: (looks at him, smiles) What? Shadow? He, would never. Me: A few minutes earlier! Shadow: (runs out of the battle room, past the couch) ... Master Sonic: (glances over at him) ... Shadow: (runs up the stairs and stops at the exit door) ... (realizes, gets mad again and runs back down the stairs) Ugh!.. Damnit! (runs up to his room and slams the door) Master Sonic: (thinking) .... Scrat: (walks out of the battle room, talking back to Jinny, and smiling) So I was about to beat, the final boss level. And then!.. This flying boomerang came at me out of nowhere! I thought I was a goner.. I thought it was mine! But... It wasn't... And it hit me right in the nose too... What a bummer. Jinny: (walking out of the battle room too, smiles) Sounds like a wild dream to me. Now if only you had a chance to beat your high score because of it. Also, gotta get you checked on. Scrat: (rolls his eyes playfully) Oh hardey, har, har. Polie: (already by the couch with the first aid kit, smiles) Ready guys?! Master Sonic: (watching them, kinda smiles, but serious) Get these wounds treated and get some rest, my sons and daughter. Shadow? Shadow: (looks over at him, smiles a bit) Hm? Master Sonic: (mad look) I would like to speak with you privately, after you are done. Shadow: (looks a little confused at him) Uhh.. Okay. Polie: (holds up his ungloved hand/paw, and smiles) Come on, Shadow. Give me your hand. Shadow: (mad look, tear a bit) Ow! Polie: (smile smirk) Dude, you know it stings. Don't be such a baby. Master Sonic: (already in his room and waiting for him, eyes closed) Enter. Shadow: (walks into his room and smiles) Sup? Master Sonic: (still has his eyes closed) Kneel down, my son. Shadow: (sits down in front him and the burning candles) ... Master Sonic: (eyes closed still, but now mad) I find it hard to comprehend with what you've done tonight. Shadow: (brave look, fist up in the air, smiles) I know right?! I kicked ass! Master Sonic: (mad tone still) I am speaking, of much earlier events. Shadow: (realizes then looks down) You mean when?.. Oh. Master Sonic: (opens his eyes and looks at him with the same mad look) So you do realize that your anger and mad attitude is getting out of paw and control lately, Shadow? Shadow: (looks down) Yes, Master, I understand. Master Sonic: (eyes closed again, mad look) Well, it seems clear to me that you don't. Is this all you have to say for yourself?! Shadow: (looks down more, doesn't know what to say) I... Master Sonic: Shadow?! By far, if the teachings, still have not been able to reach you. Then, I'm afraid I am, very disappointed in you, Shadow. And there is nothing else I can do. Was I not clear?! Shadow: (looks down, sad) Yes, you were Master. It's just that I... Master Sonic: Enough! No more excuses! Shadow?! Because of your rash actions lately, I feared that my teachings and discipline still have not reached you. And that something must be done about it. Maybe something a bit more strict and harsh, is that really what you want?! Me: Damn! I didn't know what he was saying when I first read this story. Damn Master Sonic, why'd you gotta be so rude? Master Sonic: (still mad look) If there has been anything I've thought you, my son. Is to never abandon your family, never leave your brothers and sister behind. And never, ever turn your back on them, and that you all should always stick together, no matter what. Unless, you want to never see then again?! Shadow: (looks up, now getting worried) No!... Please!... Master Sonic: (opens his eyes again, mad stare) You think you can just do whatever you want?! Without the consent of me or your brothers and sister?! And that it seems pretty clear to me, that you like to stick to the darkness! Shadow: (worried look more) No I!... Master Sonic: (stands up, mad still) Then what?! What was the cause of your anger tonight Shadow?! Shadow: (still worried, looks down) I just... I just lost my control... Master Sonic: (shouts a bit, still very mad) What control Shadow?! Shadow! I'm definitely afraid that you've given no choice! I still cannot believe that you would stoop this far down, you seem that you just want to work, alone! Shadow: (looks back up, worries) I don't!... Master Sonic: (turns around, sad look) Perhaps I was wrong, letting you find your own path durning Polie's absence. (Turns his head, stare) Maybe Jinny was right. Maybe you should have gone on your own personal quest! To be sent for more training! Shadow: (still worried) ... No!... Stop! Please I!... Master Sonic: Is your love for your vigilante work really that much important to you than your own family?! Shadow: (still worried) It is!... Master Sonic: Shadow! This has gone way to far! It looks like to me, the more anger you let out, the more you've betrayed your brothers and sister! Or is it because of the way you've been acting?! That they are starting to betray you?! Shadow: (shouts a little bit, worried face) They haven't!... I'm fine!... Master Sonic: (getting madder) I won't accept that! Shadow?! From now on, you are forbidden to be the Shadow Watcher! Shadow: (still worries look) No!.. Wait!.. Master Sonic: (mad tone still) And what this means is.. No going out alone! No Shadow Watcher! No going topside! And no going out anywhere with anyone, until you have my permission to do so! Is that clear?! Shadow: (looks down, really worried and scared even) Yes, Master. Master Sonic: (mad tone) You should never forget who you are, and you should never forget them. So, what'll it be? The choice is yours, Shadow. Take some time to think about it. And further more, if this rule is EVER broken, you will be sent on your own personal journey. Am I clear on this?! Shadow: (looks down, eyes wide) Yes, Master. Master Sonic: (still mad, but calming down) You may leave now. Shadow: (looks down, still completely shocked look) yes, Master. (leaves the room) Master Sonic: (stops drinking tea and opens his eyes) !!?! Polie: (next to him by the chair, calls out his name) Master Sonic?! Master Sonic: (looks up at him, smiles) Yes Polie? Polie: (looks down a bit) Have you Shad? I must talk to him. Master Sonic: (pointing up) I believe, he is, in his room. Polie: (walks past the chair, smiles) Thank you, Master. Master Sonic: (still thinking, mad look) ... Polie: (already up the stairs and opens the door and walks in, smiles a little) Hey. Shads? Shadow: (curled up, sad face kinda, in his hammock bed) Hey. Polie: (sits down with him) I just, wanted to come by, to see how your doing. Shadow: (uncurls, gets out of his hammock bed, but still looks down sad) I'm fine. Both: (hug, then lean in, touch each others cheeks and kiss) Shadow: (stops kissing him and looks so embarrassed) That was so retarded, I'm embarrassed for getting that pissed. Polie: (same smugly look) Your telling me. Shadow: (annoyed and embarrassed look) I'll just, pretend like I'm still sulking, so that way, the others will leave me alone. Then I'll just, act like.. Nothing happened between us. Polie: (smiles, sweat drop) ...(sweet smile and kisses his right cheek) Oh by the way? Thanks for the blasters. Shadow: (smug look at him) Bout damn time someone told us. Me: Oh thank Arceus! (breathes out) Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and I have nothing to rant on expect for how long this took. But anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter, byeee! (kisses)
Black and White Chapter 7 The New Swords
RomancePolie is still letting everyone teach a training session, and this time it's Shadow's turn. Everyone will be using chaos emeralds today and Shadow will teach how to do that. But when they're done, Polie and Shadow get into another fight, and Master...