Goodbye, isn't forever pt1

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About a month later, Harley flew back to North Carolina.
Around this time, it was getting very cold so people were getting sick. One of those people were Alex. He was incredibly sick.

At Adison and Angelica's house

A: (crying) "what am I gonna do babe? I can't lose him, I can't!!"

An: "babe, I promise he will make it, the hospital is taking great care of him, colds go away all the time"

A: "He can't even walk Angelica, he can barely speak! I don't know who I would be without him"

An: "look, my mom will have the kids  for a few more hours, let's go see him, okay?"

A: "okay"

At the hospital

A: "Hey mom, how is he doing?"

L: "I don't know Adison, I really don't. He keeps getting worse and worse."

A: "dad, please make it through this, I love you too much for you to go, and-and you are my best friend"

Alex: "A-Adison, lis-listen to me. I-if I don't make it through t-this, pro-promise me th-at you will take care of you-your mom."

A: "of course I will dad, but don't say that, you're gonna make it, you have to"

An: "Alex, would you like to see the kids?"

Alex: "not just y-et, wait ti-till I don't look d-ead"

An: "I love you Alex, you're gonna be just fine, I promise"

Alex: "I lo-ve y-ou too Angelica, y-our a good kid."

10 hours later

L: "Adison, go home please, you look awfully tired and I know you want to be with him 24/7, but you have kids at home."

A: "uh yeah, yeah, you're right. I love you mom, I love you Dad"

L: "I love you too"

                       To Be Continued

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