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Dear Lucy

Hi this is me, Alina!!

Hey!guess what! I got the newest iphone!!So I wanted to try text you!

How are you?! Is my daughter behaving well ??I really need to thank you for taking care of her for me!!

Well, Today I am in Paris , and I am going to peform 2 nights, and next week I

will go to Japan and finally I will go back to NZ!

It is very nice here, and I am having a break here, in a nice cafe having some tea and also trying to remember stuff about our childhood days and trying to make a story!!But its so hard!!!

Oh and also I am excited to see our old friends in Japan aswell!

p.s.I am planning to ask them to wright messages to you so please wait till I go back!

Anyway, sorry I don't really have time so good bye for now!!

P.S I am wanting to take us family to a vacation so if its possible please tell me!!!

Love Alisa!!!

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I can recall that summer day....

I was a 4 year old girl wanting for a friend to play with everyday.

That day was a sunny and hot day!

I was playing in the "memoria park" the most biggest park in the town.

There was a long long river and I was feeding the ducks and ducklings!

Just then I saw a girl about my age and was wondering if I coud be friends with her.

Then, she looked at me! So, I was so happy and waved a hand to her and asked

her name. But she ran off with a red face...

I thought that mabey she didn't like being called so I felt sorry for her

and a little sad too....

"Oh well there are still alot of chances!"

I thought.

I did not.....well, I think that 'No one' will predict what will happen after ....

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