I'm sorry, Can

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I miss you.


Am I supposed to say I miss you too?


That would be nice.


Well I don't.


Why not, beautiful?


Would you just stop, Ai'Tin?


Stop what?


Pretending to flirt with me. Just stop, okay?


But I'm not pretending?


Yes you are! Why on Earth would I believe for one second that you have genuine feelings for me after the way you've treated me? Hm?




You have hurt me so badly, Ai'Tin! Don't you understand that? I don't have a whole lot of money, you're right about that. But that never mattered to me before! I was content, happy even. I never once cared that I wasn't rich. Then you came along and you called me dirty! You called me dirty and made me feel bad about simply breathing around you or Pete or other IC people. Sure when we're face to face I play it off like I could care less about your opinion of me. I talk back and stand up for myself. But the truth is, after almost every encounter I have with you, I go home and I cry. I cry and I think that maybe you're right. Maybe I am dirty. Maybe I am worthless. You have made me start questioning my own worth. So no, I don't miss you. And no, I don't believe you like me. All I am is a charity case for you. You would never have feelings for someone dirty like me. You've made that loud and clear. So please just do me a favor and quit pretending to like me. I know you're wanting me to say "I like you back" just so you can laugh in my face, say you were just joking, and humiliate me once again. But that's not going to happen. So back off.

[Twenty minutes later]


Come outside




I said come outside. It's kind of chilly so bring a jacket.

Can pouted his lips and let out a frustrated whine. He fell backwards on his bed so that he was lying down and looking up at the ceiling. He lay still for a few moments before he found himself kicking his legs in frustration. "Ai'Tin. Why are you like this?" he asked himself. He used his arms to push himself back up into a sitting position. He looked around his room, his eyes landing on a jacket that was on the floor. He glared at it. "I'm not wearing it because Tin said to. I'm wearing it because I want to wear it," he assured himself. He stood from the bed reaching out to grab the jacket, putting it on with a huff. He slipped his shoes on and grabbed his phone from the bed. It was nearly midnight. His mom would kill him if he went out at this hour. He'd have to be quiet. He tiptoed out of his room and out the front door.

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