Flax Seed Oil

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1. High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

2. Benefits Heart Health

Can lower blood pressure

3. Great for Constipation and Diarrhea

Just as effective as olive oil, flax seed oil helps promote bowel movements.

4. Super for Skin !

Roughness or irritation in the skin may decrease. You're going to want rub it in between your hands before applying it to your face.

5. Reduces Inflammation

What does Flax-seed oil do to hair ?

Flax seed oil can help you avoid a dry scalp, it also provides a great environment for it as well. Another benefits would be that it can increase your hair elasticity, so you'll have less breakage. Be careful though! Too much protein can make your hair brittle and dry, so be sure you don't use to much. Remember, all things come in moderation.

A Nice Treatment to Try:

Have an Itchy Scalp ?

All you need is a tablespoon of flax-seed oil, 2 tablespoon sugar, another 2 of Apple Cider Vinegar, 2 cups of water, Spray bottle, and a Plastic Cap.

Mix the flax-seed oil and sugar into a bowel. Pour your your Apple Cider Vinegar and water  into the spray bottle. Take your flax-seed oil and sugar mixture and massage it into your scalp. You're going to want to put your plastic cap on for 20-60 minutes. After, you sound rinse thoroughly. 

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Have a good day ^,^ God bless.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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