Chapter 1

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My name is Courtney and I'm you're average seventeen year old. I had long auburn hair and blue eyes. I lived with my best friend Taylor and we went to a private school that paid for the apartment we lived in. Pretty awesome huh? Me and Taylor had known eachother for a long time. Both of our parents decided to enroll us in a private school hoping they wouldn't have to deal with us anymore but we didn't care we had eachother. We were like sisters, but the difference was that I could tell her anything.

Taylor had long brown hair and brown eyes and she was about an inch shorter than me. She was pretty laid back and we almost never fought and when we did it was usually about something stupid or we fought about which boy in One Direction was cuter which was pretty hard I mean, Look at them, It's takes a while to find out which one you like!

"What's for dinner?" She asked me looking at me with puppy dog eyes. The one thing about Taylor was that she couldn't cook to save her life. So I always had to.

"What do you want?" I asked her looking in our fridge that was almost empty except for a couple waters and soda's.

"PASTA!" She yelled and I jumped. I gave her evils and closed the fridge.

"Okay I gotts go run out and grab some food you wanna come?" I asked her she shook her head.

"I got homework and I have to clean. Ugh my life is so hard" She said throwing her head back and sighing. She belonged in a soap opera or something. I laughed at her failed attempt to act like she worked hard and I grabbed my purse and my phone and walked out the door went down the elevator and out the lobby.

I walked into the market and grabbed a carriage and walked through the isles grabbing food that looked goos as I went.

"NIALL! NO!" I heard someone yell and then I saw a neatly stack of about hunndred cans coming tumbling down. Then I saw Niall Horan and the rest of One Direction run to me as the cans came to me and before I knew it my feet had slipped under them and I was about to fall when a pair of arms caught me.

"I am SO sorry" He said. I looked up to see a pair of beautiful green eyes, they looked familiar. Then I realized, he was Harry Styles.

"You're-you're Harry Styles" I said as he helped me up. I saw a couple girls pick their heads up at that and screamed.

"ONE DIRECTION!" A ton of girls screamed pointing in our direction. Haha our direction, One Direction..

"Everywhere we go!" Zayn yelled thorwing his hands up in the air. I let out a little laugh that came out a little funny sounding. I was nervous!

"Can you hide us?" Harry asked me grabbing my hand as we started to run out of the market. I nodded and ran to my apartment. The fans were so close and the were gaining on us. Me and Harry were in the front of the group and then it was Louis and Liam and in the back were Zayn and Niall. There had to be a hundred girls following us. We ran into the lobby and the doors slammed shut after us and we locked them. The receptionist looked at us confused and I smiled at her and grabbed Harry's hand and led them up to the apartment. Before we entered through the door I turned around to them.

"This is crazy" I said not believing the fact that One Direction was standing infront of me. They all smiled back at me.

"Give me two minutes so I can, try to um.. somehow tell my roommate what happened. If that's even possible?" I said. Harry nodded at me and the boys gave a little laugh at my nervousness. I walked into the apartment and towards Taylor.

"No food!?" Taylor asked angry that I came back empty handed. Oh like she was going to starve if she didn't eat soon, I highly doubted it.

"Not exactly" I said biting my lip. She looked at me suspicious as I gave her a guilty smile. She got up and walked over next to me.

"What happened?" She asked me. I started playing with my hands like I always did when I didn't know what to say.

"Well I ran into some people at the market and um, well I had to help them and so I kinda brought them here..."

"Strangers!?" She asked me her mouth hanging open.

"Not exactly" I said and she gave me a confused look not understanding. I smiled and opened the door as five boys poured into he apartment.

"Were you easdropping!?" I asked. Niall blushed.

"Oh my god it's One Direction" Taylor said putting her hand over her mouth.

"Hello there" Harry said getting up and shaking Taylor's hand. He winked at her and she giggled but then as if she totally changed she looked angry.

"I asked for food and you come back with them? Not that I dont love them but I'm hungry!" She complained I laughed.

"We can order pizza" I said grabbing the phone but before I did someone grabbed my hand.

"We'll order and pay" Zayn said looking up at me with big brown eyes. I shook my head trying not to get dazed by how hot he was.

"Yes trust me Niall can eat about two pizzas by himself" He said laughing. Niall smiled at me as he sat down on the couch.

"Fine" I said handing the phone to Zayn. He smiled and I sat down next to Niall. This was crazy. Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn from 1D were in my apartment.

"Everyone stop!" I yelled and everyone froze to look at me.

"Girl time!" I yelled grabbinng Taylor and pulling her into the bedroom. I looked at her her eyes got big as we looked around us. We had One Direction posters everywhere.

"Take them down BUT DON'T YOU DARE RIP THEM!" I yelled as I ran around the room carefully taking the posters off the walls.We quickly did and sat down on my bed.

"This is crazy!" She said. I nodded.

"I call dibs on Liam" She said I smiled and nodded. I wasn't callig dibs yet, not yet.

Accidentally in Love (Harry Styles, Zayn Malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now