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7 months later

"So where is he taking you!?" Taylor asked me running around with five dresses in her hands. I shrugged.

"He just said it was going to be a really important date" She held two outfits against me and decided on the one on the right.

"Simple, yet effective" She said looking at it again. I smiled. Me and Zayn had been dating for seven months as of today and he told me he was taking me on a date and it was going to be very special. You could say I was excited.

Taylor shoved the dress in my hands and I put it on admiring for tan I looked in the white dress. The dress what simple white and cut just above my knees and had a navy blue bow with white polka dots around it. She handed me a pair of really cute heels with an open toe and a black studded clutch. I looked at Taylor surprised.

"First of all where do you get all this and you breaking your number one rule, always wear a necklace" I scolded her. She smiled but she looked a little nervous?

"You don't need a necklace!" She said playfully slapping me on the shoulder, I looked at her confused as she ushered me out the door of our bedroom and then proceeded to shut it in my face.

"Okay?" I said to myself confused. I walked into the living room struggling to put my heels on. Zayn said he would get ready in the boys apartment across from ours. Yup, they had bought it when Liam and Taylor started dating deciding they wanted to be with us all the time but we didn't mind.

"Need help?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Harry. I nodded as he came around and helped slip on my heel.

"And why can you do this and I can't I mean you're a guy!" I said throwing my hands up in the air. He smiled.

"I guess I'm just girlier than you" He said laughing.

"I already knew THAT" I said giving him a wink as I got up and went into the kitchen.

"Don't you dare get anything on that dress Courtney or I will personally kill you" Taylor threatened from the bedroom.

"How does she even know I'm in here I didn't even make a noise

 I asked myself. I grabbed a water and sat back down on the couch across from Harry. He had a suspicious look on him like he knew that something was going to happen and I didn't, everyone seemed to have that look on them today. It was weird.

My phone wet off and I looked down to see a text from Zayn.

Be there in five.


I smiled to myself and looked up to see Harry watching me.

"Ooooh! Look who's blushing. Wear a coat when it rains!" He yelled. I went to hit him with my clutch but he was too fast and he ran away. I glared after him until I heard the door knock. I opened to see Zayn standing there in jeans and and a dark grey button up shirt with a grey sweater over it. I smiled up at him.

"You look beautiful" He said kissing me on the lips. I smiled as we pulled apart and he took my hand. I closed the door behind me as we we walked out.

We climbed into the limo Zayn had gotten and I looked at him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked trying to get the answer out of him. He shook his head and smiled.

"You've asked a billion times why would I tell you now?" He asked laughing. I sighed and put my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead. I kept seeing him fiddling around with something in his pocket. I wondered what it was?

"The London eye?" I asked him gasping at the beauty in front of me. It was around seven and it was this time when the sky got dark. The London Eye had been a red glow and it looked absolutely stunning.

"Come on" He said pulling me out of the limo when we stopped in front of it. We walked pass the line and went in through the back.

"Are we supposed to be back here?" I asked him. He smiled down at me as I hung to his shoulder.

"One of the may perks of being famous" I laughed. A man in a suit brought us over to a capsule and shut the door behind him as he walked out.

"Wow" I said looking at the view in front of me. I felt Zayn wrap his arms around my waist.

"You're beautiful" He said kissing my cheek. I smiled.

"I was taking about the view" I said

"I wasn't" He pulled me down onto the couch and sat down next to me.

"So I kinda have a surprise for you" He said biting his lip. He was so cute when he did that, he onyl did it when he was nervous though.

"Oh yea? What is it" I asked him smiling. He got up and sat down in front of me and held my hand as he stared deep into my eyes. And then he started to sing.

Baby I just don't get it do you enjoy being hurt?

I know you smell the perfume the makeup on his shirt

You don't believe his stories you know that they're all lies

Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why

If i was your man baby you

never worry bout what I do

I'd be coming home back to you

every night doin' you right

you're the type of woman deserves good things

fistful of diamonds hand full of rings

Baby you're a star i just want to show you you are

You should let me love you let me be then one to

Give you everything you want and need

baby good love and protection make me your selection

show you the way love's supposed to be

baby you should let me love you love you love you

I started tearing up remembering the conversation we had seven months ago about how he had always wanted to sing that song to the girl who was the one.

"I love you Courtney, forever" He said taking a box out of his pocket. He opened it to show me a beautiful infinity necklace with s line of diamonds going along the front. I looked up at him.

"I love you Zayn" I told him hugging him, never wanting to let him go. I pecked him on the lips.

"Can you help me with this?" I asked him smiling. He nodded as he took the necklace out of the box and draped it around my neck. I lifted my hair out of the way and reached for the infinity sign hanging below my throat. I loved him so much.

He kissed my hair and wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that for while enjoying the view and each others company.

I wouldn't trade these last seven months for anything. I was in love. The type of love you saw in movies.

The end(: Hope you all liked it read my other story falling for the impossible(: thanks guys. You gurs are AMAZAYN(:

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