coffee, news stories, and questions

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Gwen's POV
I unlocked the door and walked into my coffee shop. I sighed and walked over to the counter where Laz fell asleep again. "Why does he always fall asleep here?" I wondered, but I figured I'd let him sleep for a while longer since we didn't open for another half hour. I turned on the TV to the news story about another blood bank robbery that has resulted in four pints of blood stolen. If you ask me, blood is an awfully weird thing to steal, so whoever is doing this is probably messed up in the head. I walked back to the counter and poked Laz, "Hey, wake up, it can't be comfortable to sleep like this" I said. He just groaned and mumbled unintelligibly. "Come on Laz, I'm not going to pay you to sleep!" His eyes snapped open so quickly I thought his head might split in half. "I'M AWAKE GUWAINE I'M AWAKE PLEASE DON'T DOCK MY PAY!" I chuckled at his sudden money driven alertness, "I told you Laz, call me Gwen". "Why do you like being called Gwen? You're gonna get assholes all over your case since you're a boy, the long hair has brought you enough trouble with biggots, at this point you're asking for a 'manly' man to try and rearrange your face!" "I can care for myself Laz, I carry a gun after all. I can plead self defense if I need to shoot some jerk off who has had his masculinity threatened by me and want to prove something". Laz sighed and shook his head. "Whatever makes you happy Gwen." He grinned at me and started the coffee machines.
Laz and I got to about ten o'clock on our own before my part timers Julie and Caleb showed up. Laz walked over to me "Can I take a break Gwen? I'm feeling a little hungry." "Sure Laz." He always goes off somewhere to eat, but never tells us where and he never wants to eat with anyone who works here. Maybe I could eat with him today... "Hey Laz! Wanna eat together?" I ask. He turned to look at me, "No thanks Gwen, I need to eat alone." "Okay Laz..." I was kinda sad that he didn't want to eat wi- wait a minute, did he say he needs to eat alone? That's weird... he's definitely hiding something. I followed him to the staff room in the back where he went into his locker and pulled out his jacket and a satchel. He walked out the back door of the room into the alley behind the shop. I watched him closely as he reached into his satchel and pulled out... A BLOOD BAG?!? But, why would he have one of those? He's drinking it? What the hell? He suddenly stopped, then he sniffed the air a couple times before he sighed. "Gwen" he said "Come on out, I'm sure you have questions for me."
End chapter one

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