Chapter 3 - The Machine didn't Lie

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Story Key

(Y/N) - Your Name

(Y/N) stood outside the entrance to the Mystery Shack, a place of wondrous mysteries. She wasn't sure how long she stood there, but her thoughts were interrupted by a gruff voice. "Are you comin' inside, kid?" Looking up, she met a tall older man wearing a black suit. "O-oh. Yeah, sorry.." She mumbled, following him along as he lead a group of tourists throughout the building.

There were many things to see there, although most of his "attractions" were just stuffed animals with household appliances taped, stapled, or even glued to make them appear unusual. He lead the group through into a larger room, filled with merchandise, and than left the group to buy his products. (Y/N) idled near an exit, which was next to a red-headed teen cashier. "Hey there, kid. Are you lost?" The red-head asked, to which (Y/N) shook her head no before speaking quietly. "I'm, uh, actually 18.. Got a license and everything..."

The red-head laughs quietly before apologizing. "Oh, sorry then! Didn't mean to assume. I'm Wendy." Wendy smiles at (Y/N) before serving more customers, and then greeting a smaller child behind the counter. "Made a new friend, Wendy?" The child asked, glancing at (Y/N) with a smile on her face. "Yup. Her name is.. Wait, what is your name?" Wendy states, both girls turning back towards (Y/N) for her answer.

"Oh, uh.. My name is (Y/N).." (Y/N) replies, smiling nervously and waving. "I'm kind of new around here..." The child runs around from the counter and waves rapidly. "Hi there, (Y/N)! The name's Mabel!" Mabel, as she introduced herself, was a girl in her early teens. She wore a strange magenta sweater with a sunset on it, and her smile was littered with metal, because she had braces. "Nice to meet you, Mabel. And you too Wendy." (Y/N) smiled, saying both names to keep them in her memory.

(Y/N) was the last customer, so it left the three girls being the only ones in the room. Suddenly, a brunette boy burst through a door (Y/N) hadn't noticed before. "Wendy, Mabel, step back!" He shouted, as a man like the one in the suit walked in behind him. 

"Grunkle Ford, we found it!

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"Watch as the interloper intrudes,

Doing everything to be included,

Their words shy away as the mishap dictates,

Everything going wrong with their current state..."

- Dawn Light

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