(Dare) Red Eye: Hugging

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" I dare red eye to hug EVERYONE in the snakepit and Raging Bulls and Sunbat United and BC Sol and AS Gallus and if he doesn't do it he has to be Norman's personal servant" - KaseyShirasagi

"Oh gosh," Red Eye sighed out, realizing what his task was. This was getting far too ridiculous, and that he wanted to leave right away. 

Hug everyone? He honestly didn't know how many people he had to hug, but he was sure that it was a huge number. This was going to be cringey. Do that or become Norman's personal servant. Better go with the hugging thing then.

Once Red Eye agreed to do the hugging instead, a lot of people magically came out of nowhere and lined up. One by one, Red Eye hugged each of them. Some lasted very short due to cringe; some lasted very long due to the person wanting it to be cringey (Richard Yello did that on purpose, for example). When it came to Valt's turn to hug, Red Eye almost barfed.

Well, at the end of the day, he barfed a lot due to cringe.

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