~Episode 7- Leave Me~

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Today is our 2 year anniversary, I'm really excited because he asked me on a date , now I'm preparing for our date...when i was fixing my dress someone texted me...it was him,

Darling, someone's going to pick you up for our date cause I can't bye luv u~

Oh why not?

C'mon (Y/n) don't be a brat right now...I'm stressed..

Alright alright!

~End of Text~

"why is he even mad, it's not like I did something wrong right?hmm never mind.."

After I prepared a honk came from downstairs I hurriedly go down the stairs and said goodbye to my parents, after I did I went inside the car and saw the driver of the car it's....Hyungwon...

"oh hyungwon, why are you driving this are there no drivers?"

"well your bf wanted me to be the one who picks you up so I'm here picking you up.."

The whole car ride is full of conversations about whatever you like to talk about ..when you arrived at the restaurant you said goodbye to Hyungwon

"bye Hyungwon have a safe drive going home.."

you said while waving at him

"bye (Y/n) make sure to not cry ok bye~"

he said while waving at me back, and at that Hyungwon drive off..

'What does he mean bye don't cry?'

'Is Kris going to surprise me?

'Maybe he's going to propose'

Those kind of questions flooded my mind I thought I was going to cry for good but boy I was wrong...when i entered the restaurant I saw Kris sitting for me when I went up to him he said...

"did Hyungwon drive you here?"

"Ummm yeah"

he just nodded  'He don't ask me this kind of things wen it comes to us dating..somethings ...wrong' I thought I'm getting nervous every second passes by

"aren't you going to ask me if I'm ok or if I'm doing fine.."

i asked him gently

"why would I even want to know if you're ok...so I look like I'm your doctor to know if you're fine...I'm just your boyfriend.."

"don't boyfriends check their girlfriend's condition after a long period of time..."

"I have no time for this...just eat already you're wasting my time.."

he said looking at me coldly, 'Why is he being like this? Is he fine?'

After we ate we decided to take his car, it was a silent car ride, not like those previous dates...it was silent when he decided to break the silence with....

"We're breaking up"

I looked at him with shocked eyes..

"what?what did you just say?"

"you heard me right..unless you're deaf, or do I just repeat it for you..?"

you stayed silent

"I said we're breaking up, you ask why? I'm gonna get married to someone I love, and someone who has time for me..."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"it's just I don't love you anymore I can't feel it anymore"

"feel what?"


"that's it? That's the reason why you're leaving me? Just because you fell out of love?"



The car stopped at some alley which is not so far away from my home..when I went out of the car and I break down, it hurts....

~(Back to the present)~

As I was saying this to J-Hope I didn't notice that I was crying...

"hey hey don't cry...he doesn't deserve your tears"

he said while wiping my tears but it won't stop from falling down

"shhh I don't want to see you crying.."

he said as he hugged me while burying my face into his chest

"Y-You w-won't d-do w-what h-he d-did r-right?"

you said while stuttering through your sentence


he asked

"Leave me..."

~End of Episode 7~

Sorry if it's messed up and As always thank you for reading Episode 7 pls vote and follow me thxx and stay tuned for Episode 8,✊hwaiting keep loving and supporting my story love y'all, I PURPLE YA'LL💜💜. If you can do me a favor please recommend my story to your friends, well if you like to at least. BYEBYE👋👋😘

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