Chapter 1: Not how it was suppose to be...

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So a lot of you are adding this version to your reading lists...PLEASE STOP! This is the suckier and older version of 'Tell Me a Lie' and you all can find the improved version on my profile :) Don't read this one please. I've kept this here for memories.

Chapter 1

Kira's POV

Everything is silent; almost as if the world is holding it breath, waiting for something to happen. My footsteps are all you can hear at this time of night; each step more frantic than the last. I take in deep breaths of bitter air and cringe. Despite the cold atmosphere, beads of sweat start to gather on my forehead and I brush them away in spite afterwards. The streets of London are surprisingly quiet this evening and my eyes dart to my watch: 11:59.

Everyone must be worrying by now. I was supposed to show up around half an hour earlier but I had things on my mind that I had to sort out beforehand. Suddenly I stop and listen. I swear that I just heard someone behind me and I tense up. After a little while I decide against it and my pace quickens.

Finally I get off the street and walk towards a clutter of pine trees, just making out the small bungalow in the distance. I stop again. This time I am positive that I heard someone. I whip around and scan the landscape around me. I can only see the fallen leaves on the ground, the pine trees and the street behind it. Not a single sound. Squinting my eyes I can make out a masked figure hiding in a clump of bushes and scream involuntarily.

"Got you Kira!" howls the stranger, laughing and unmasking himself. I sigh gratefully to see Louis, my childhood friend. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember, and knowing him, this is very typical.

"Damn it Louis!" I yell back at him, pushing him backwards. "That wasn't funny at all!"

He laughs again and approaches me. "It takes more than that to take down the Tommo Kira. You out of all people should know that,"

I smirk, taking the hint and lunge at him. I push him backwards with my head and Louis starts to fight back. We wrestle for a few moments until he pushes me to the floor and pins me down.

"Never fight the Tommo Kira," he grins. "You'll always lo-"

Louis immediately gets off me and flushes red with embarrassment. I raise my head and peer curiously at the newcomer. It's Alex. I get up immediately and brush the leaves off my coat. Alex stares at me for a few moments and runs his fingers through his greasy hair before turning on Louis.

"She's mine alright! I don't give you permission to take her from me you worthless piece of shit!"

At that, Alex swings a punch. It collides heavily with Louis's chest and he doubles over in pain. Alex stands, looking down on Louis with a satisfied glare and I can only watch in horror.

Louis looks up at Alex after a few moments. "I have a girlfriend! Kira is my best would be like dating a can you think I'm trying to-"

"Bullshit," Alex mutters, throwing a kick at Louis's side.

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