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"Hyung." Jungkook whispered. "I didn't want to go to school."

"We all have to, Kookie." Namjoon replied , reading the school handbook in thr passenger seat.

"But why?"

"To get smarter." Taehyung cheerfullu adds in, distracting himself with a small rubix cube.

"But we have Namjoon Hyung, why do I need to be smart?"

"Because Namjoon isn't always going to be there to save your ass." Yoongi grumbled.

"Yoongi, watch your mouth." jin scolded.

"Sorry, Hyung, I didn't mean to."


Jimin and Taehyung held Jungkook's hand as they wondered through the thr hallway with Namjoon. Yoongi and Seokjin were registered and in their classes. Now he had to makse sure that the Maknaes could be together since they could help each other translate.

"Good Morning." A pale skinned , cubby woamn smiled from tbehind the best in thr office.

"Good morning." namjoon annd his littlr brothers bowed respectfully.

"How can i help you, Darling?" The woman said sweetly.

"We are new and I was wondering where to get their schedules?"

"oh! You must be eith thr other new Korean transfers."

"Yes ma'am."

"Welcome our humble school.My name is Rosalina. Im thr secretary and Student consultant." She ceered as she rambled through a file cabinet for a few moments. Afterwards she produced four file folders and laid them on thr desk in front of her.

"Now let's see." rosalina plaved her glasses on thr beided of her nose and opened the first file.

"Namjoon Kim?"

"Yes, thats me. "

"sophomore. Advanced Studies. " She slid the paper to thr tall Korean boy. "Your first class is Advanced Literature on thr third floor."

"Thank you." Namj99n bowed and stpped back next to his brothers.

"Taehyung Kim.Freshman General studies. " Roalina spoke with a sweet smile on her face as the aformentioned boy strapped forward.

"First class is Art and its down thr hall."

"Jimin Park. Feeshman . General studies. Your first class is science and its on the second floor ."

"And last but not least, Jungkook Jeon. Seventh grade. Your first class is music snd its in the basement. "

"Thank you so much. " Namjoon bowed.

"Youre welcome. " rosalina grinned. "Now, I'll get my Aid to show you around since she has to get to class herself. "

Rosalina stood up and walked to a door and signaled for thr person to come out.

After a frw moments , a short dark skinned girl with her curilg black gair in a ponytail camr out. Her unifor tiw lossened and her black shirt slightly untucked from her red plad shirt. She wore matched red high top converse.

"These are are new transfrera, be a doll and show them around. " roasalina placed her hand gently on thr girls back and motioned to thr four boys.

"Sure thing. " the girl smiled xheeriu. "Follow me guys. "

"Can I see your schedule?"

"Namjoon." She read from the paper "is that how you sai tot?"

"Yes." Thr taller boy nodded, his heart thumping.

"Okay. Well youre on thr thrid floor so I'll take you last. I dont feel like walk up the stros now." The girl giggled causing yhr other noys to laugh.

"I'm Belarus, by thr way."thr girl grinned.

"Taehyung, right?"

"Oh, yes. Thats my name."

"Lets get you to art."

"Jimin, youre in the same sxience xlass as me, so you can stick eith me. "


"Please intro dude yourself. "

"My name is Park Jimin. " The darkhaired boy began to read off the note card in his hand. Namjoom wrote a few cards out to help them communicate until they got better at English. "I am from Busan , South Korea and I live with my six brothrrs."

"Thank you Jimin, you can have a seat in thr front"

"Oh, I'm, may I sit with Belarus?" Jimin said un broken English.

"Of course. Have a seat"

Jimin smiled as he made his way through thr rows and sat next to the dark skinned girl.

"If you need help, you can ask me, Jimin." Bealaus smiled sweetly , giveing thr boy a thumbs up.

Class went by pretty slowly. Jimin was getting used to the way that the tescher talked fast and quickly would erase the notes on the board as quickly as he would write them.

"Hey, you look confused. "

Jimin quickly looked to hisside and could see belarus smiling syimpathtocally at him. He quickly reaxhed into hiss picked to retirve his cards. He shuffled through them before pulling one out.

"I dont understand. Can you help me?"


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