Chapter 1: There are 10 Boys

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Hachimitsu Academy
In the cabetria...

After the boys entered, they all lost their confidence to speak to others women since that their are 1016 women in this school. The boys are sitting on their chairs, eating lunches on a table. Andre, Joe and Gakuto are staring at the women with the crazy look on their faces.

Tamaki: Seriously, stop staring at them! You need to control your mind and your face.

Gakuto: Can you blame us!?

Joe: Those women are beautiful. *cough*

Kon: I think you guys are taking this too far.

Rosé: {I agree.}

Kiyoshi: Hey guys, you have a lot of dreams before entering right?

Kon: Yeah? Why's that?

Kiyoshi: Shall I throw away my virginity in the middle of April?

Shingo: Are you fond of it?

Tamaki: Yeah. You haven't talked to any girls yet.

Ryu: Their right though. You have to take time to meet a girl before jumping right in.

Gatuko, Andre and Joe turns to the others.

Gatuko: You guys! Shut up! I can't concentrate!

Tamaki: All you did is look at other women!

Kon: You guys need help...

Kintaru: Your food is getting cold.

Gatuko: We don't have time for that! We're busy looking a flashes of boobs and pantie shots! Geez!

They turned back as they continue to stare at women.

Kiyoshi: Wait, which girl are you talking about?

Gatuko: Nothing!

Joe: The same at right!

Ardre: Um... Same above!

Ryu: *sign* You guys are useless...

Rose: {So what now?}

Kiyoshi stood up from the chair with confidence in his face.

Kiyoshi: I'm going...

Shingo: To where?

Kiyoshi: ... To talk to a girl.

They boys turn to Kiyoshi with a surprised expression.

Kon: (emotionless) Oh no! Kiyoshi, don't do this!

Tamaki: What's the point anyway? You'll fail.

Gatuko: I too agree in this. It's suicide.

Kyu: Kiyoshi, you have to think first before taking the risk.

Kiyoshi: I don't care! Even if you're interested in girls, you just sit there and drool all over! Me... I want to do a lot of things to girls!

Kintaru: Oh boy...

Kiyoshi: WATCH HOW I LIVE!!!!

He then stormed off as he is standing in front of the girls while the boys just watched.

Kiyoshi: *sweat* I-I... Erm.... H-hi....


Kon: Poor Kiyoshi. He lost his pride and his confidence.

Kintaru just nodded to Kon to an agreement.

Rose: {Well anyways, I'm going to take a tour at the school. See ya.}

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